Texas is on board and leading …

Ξ October 9th, 2008 | → 0 Comments | ∇ demwits, economy, lying media, personal, politics, work |

Wind Power

Off the Texas coast.

For the last year Jack has watched massive blades for wind turbines being shipped out of the port near his workplace, trainload after trainload … month after month. Texas is the nations leader in wind power today. It surpassed that green friendly state of California last year … who would have thunk that!

With all the bashing from the Dems about alternative energy sources, the US is already #2 in the world in wind power. The US will soon be the leader in the world generating more electricity from wind than any other nation … again who would have thunk that!

Much much more needs to be done on all levels and all sources of energy production including “drill baby drill” but Jack doubts the general public knows these tidbits.

The world markets are in a freefall but the sky is not falling. In Dec 06 Jack blogged about this and much has been accomplished since then. One thing that hasn’t been accomplished is the wind farm in Cape Cod that is still in limbo thanks to a certain Democratic fat cat senator.

Until the US gets off the oil teat our economy, security and general way of life will be in threatened.

Jack’s hometown used to be known as the city that oiled the world. He wouldn’t mind if it was called the city that blew the world now!