Jack has decided …

Ξ March 28th, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ demwits, duh, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lying UN, lying media, mo, politics, religion |

… he must have alot of phobes!

Gaining greater insight to Islamophobia.

When he reads an article like this he finally realizes how much of an Islamophobic he has become! The article talks about … you have nothing to fear. What the article does not say is what Islam is all about. This is where Jack gets his phobes from. From finding out what Islam is all about. Talking to muslims all over the world it’s no secret that Islam IS a political system that is all encompassing designed to dominate. Not to be part of as this woman says. When Jack hears stuff like this woman he thinks … doesn’t this person know what Islam is about? Have they not read the Quran/hadith/sunna? Where do they get their “opinion”? From this article the person says “CAIR” for Islamophobia. The same CAIR that that we all know!

A leading member of the House of Representatives is asking the FBI to explain why it did not notify Congress that it had cut ties with the Council on American-Islamic Relations, as revealed by FOXNews.com last week. And several lawmakers are calling on their colleagues to “think twice” before meeting with the Islamic advocacy group, which the FBI considers a front for Islamic radicals.

FBI must be a bunch of Islamophobes!

Did she not get the “CAIR” memo that Islam is not in any country to be part of … but to dominate!

As they watch their children grow up in this country, Mrs. Razvi worries, We are still part of the group of others not yet part of the fabric of U.S. society. People sometimes lack understanding that the few Muslims that did something unspeakable on 9/11 were not acting on behalf of Muslims.

Actually they were hun … it’s called jihad. And the majority of the muslim world rejoiced that the big satan had been hit back. It’s going on in every corner of the globe today. Those “few muslims” are fighting for exactly the thing the Quran/hadith/sunna calls for. Jack would like to recommend a book for this woman. Maybe she’ll understand then because she is having a hard time understanding the Quran/hadith/sunna.

Jihad for Dummies.

Now really can you call a woman that does not want to marry a homosexual (btw Mohammad said homosexuals should be thrown from a tall mountain) a homophobe?

Jack guesses you can call them anything you want but who gives a shit. This whole Islamophobia thing is more of the same … we are victims … you owe us something. Where have we heard that before.