Oh my … a Bombshell!

Ξ August 22nd, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ corruption, demwits, duh, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lying UN, lying media, mo, obami, oh shit, politics, religion |

Please tell Jack they slapped them around too!

Jack thinks that they should have been told … if you don’t talk we’re going to cut your friggin head off and feed it to the pigs same as your islamophuqnuts buddys have done! That would be something these jihadi fucks would respect.

Now you’re thinking … Jack you’re friggin ruthless. Well many “moderate” muslims told Jack many times about beheadings, if you are killed it doesn’t matter how … when you’re dead you’re dead RIGHT … so what’s the big deal!

Also lets keep in mind all of these that have been “so called tortured” are living better than most prisoners in any jail today with lawyers defending them, eating hala meals, praying 5 times a day to their Allah to save them so they can continue their “Islamic” jihad against the infidels as the Quran/hadeth/sunna commands them to do. Not until the infidel has submited to Islam shall they stop … per Mohammad in his own words! Oh wait per Allah intrusted to the prophet Mohammad to carry out his message of peace to the world.

All these ol boys want is for the world to be ruled by Islam and Sharia law. Jack says let’s accomodate them. Give them their Sharia law justice.

Off with your head.

We’ve accomodated them in every other Islamic way. Why not give them their Islamic Sharia law and stop all that “so called torture”.

What’s the big deal!

Obami wants to reach out to the jihadi fucks? Great … reach out with something they can at least understand, respect and they themselves BEG for!

Cause right now the jihadi fucks, most muslims and Jack are laughing their ass off at his attempts to date.