Some more stuff MSM won’t report.

Ξ September 15th, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Islam, MSM, demwits, duh, idiot, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, loser, lying UN, lying media, mo, obami, personal, politics, religion |

Didn’t Obama attend an Islamic school? Yes he did.





Didn’t Obama attend an Islamic school? Again … Yes he did.


Biggest story of 2009?

Ξ September 15th, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Islam, MSM, corruption, demwits, duh, economy, idiot, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, loser, lying UN, lying media, obami, oh shit, personal, politics, religion, skank, work |

What will be the biggest story of 2009?

A tsunami?

A hurricane?

A war?

Global warming?

Islam does embrace violence? ( that would be huge but forget it )

Jack’s prediction is a tie between Obama Healthcare and Joe Wilson … You lie!

But what would be the real story of 2009 (actually 2008 also)? For Jack it is “The day MSM crossed the Rubicon

Born with unbridled political ambition and unsurpassed oratory skills, Julius Caesar manipulated his way to the Roman Legionary position of consul of Rome in 59 BC. After his year of service he was named governor of Gaul where he amassed a personal fortune and exhibited his outstanding military skill in subduing the native Celtic and Germanic tribes. Caesar’s popularity with the people soared, presenting a threat to the power of the Senate and to Pompey, who held power in Rome. Accordingly, the Senate called upon Caesar to resign his command and disband his army or risk being declared an “Enemy of the State”. Pompey was entrusted with enforcing this edict - the foundation for civil war was laid.

It was January 49 BC, Caesar was staying in the northern Italian city of Ravenna and he had a decision to make. Either he acquiesced to the Senate’s command or he moved southward to confront Pompey and plunge the Roman Republic into a bloody civil war. An ancient Roman law forbade any general from crossing the Rubicon River and entering Italy proper with a standing army. To do so was treason. This tiny stream would reveal Caesar’s intentions and mark the point of no return.

The story is NOT Obama … the REAL story is the treason of MSM to the American public. Yes the MSM has crossed the Rubicon and there is no turning back. It’s a fight to the death to protect/give cover to THEIR anointed one from the evil new internet media!

Case in point … Charlie Gibson and ACORN

While listening to Don Wade and Roma this morning on WLS AM Chicago, they had Charlie Gibson on as their usual Tuesday morning guest. Don asked Charlie, why, after the senate last night voted to halt funding to ACORN and after three of those video tapes of ACORN employees helping the pimp and prostitute set up shop, there was no mention of it anywhere on the network news. Charlie gave out a most uncomfortable laugh and said that that was the first he heard of it! (Jacks says: You lie!)

As far back as 2007 …

Don’t look for them to report the story of the century … their own death as a news organization.


When the nation showed up Sept 12 in DC …

Ξ September 13th, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ corruption, demwits, duh, economy, idiot, loser, lying media, obami, oh shit, personal, politics |

Obama promptly goes undercover and got his ass out of town!

oh shit thats alot of discontent!

Jack can’t blame him really. He was scared … not Jack … Obama!

Predictably the White House states they had no idea about this rally … You lie!


Taking political support to another level.

Ξ September 12th, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ corruption, demwits, duh, economy, idiot, loser, lying media, obami, oh shit, personal, politics, work |

Patricia C. Jessamy 

The Office of the State’s Attorney for Baltimore City represents the State of Maryland in all criminal prosecutions that result from crimes charged by local law enforcement agencies occurring in Baltimore City. The State’s Attorney’s Office is mandated under the Maryland Constitution and managed by a locally elected official who serves a 4-year term of office. Criminal Cases are heard in either Circuit Court, Juvenile Court, or one of three District Courts in Baltimore City.


Baltimore, MD – September 11, 2009 – We have received inquiries from citizens
and the media asking whether the Baltimore City State’s Attorneys Office would
initiate a criminal investigation for acts allegedly committed at ACORN offices
located in Baltimore. The only information received in reference to this alleged
criminal behavior was a YouTube video. Upon review by this office, the video
appears to be incomplete. In addition, the audio portion could possibly have
been obtained in violation of Maryland Law, Annotated Code of Maryland Courts
and Judicial Proceedings Article §10-402, which requires two party consent.

If it is determined that the audio portion now being heard on YouTube
was illegally obtained, it is also illegal under Maryland Law to willfully use
or willfully disclose the content of said audio. The penalty for the unlawful
interception, disclosure or use of it is a felony punishable up to 5

The lovely woman above has decided that instead of prosecuting ACORN for their actions she will go after the very people that exposed ACORN’s possible criminal actions. This is the state of the US government today. A very sad state in deed when elected officials refuse to prosecute or even investigate ACORN and then prosecute the very people that expose ACORN. Miss Patty is sitting in a cushy job with a cushy office today. Jack begs of the Baltimore voters to reassign her to ACORN’s office election day.

Office of the State’s Attorney for Baltimore City
208 Mitchell Courthouse
110 North Calvert Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21202

It smells in here!


Finally Acorn is on the radar!

Ξ September 12th, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ corruption, demwits, duh, economy, idiot, loser, lying media, obami, oh shit, politics, skank |

Ofcourse MSM is still ignoring the ACORN story. Obama and his administration can’t ignore the heat anymore. Look for them to distance themselves from anything ACORN as fast as they can. Look for Obama to even say something like this … ACORN … what’s that? Duh those people YOU did that community organizing for … LIAR!


Fck Google in their goat smelling @ss.

Ξ September 11th, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ demwits, duh, idiot, loser, lying media, oh shit, personal, politics |

Jack will be using beginning today. He suggest you do the same. Why?

Go to today … then go to today September 11. Think about it for a second and you’ll get it.


The joke flying around the world TODAY!

Ξ September 11th, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Islam, demwits, duh, idiot, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, loser, lying UN, lying media, mo, obami, personal, politics, religion |

Yes today on September 11. Around the world Obama has the US embassies asking, no begging the Islamic world for suggestions on how to spend the day. Unfortunately most Islamic nations won’t be having any “interfaith” sessions on September 11 because of Ramadan sensitivities. Even in “non muslim nations” they will not have an interfaith day because of muslim sentivities. Can’t piss the muslims off! Ironically though most Islamic nations will be celebrating the death of 3000 killed on September 11, 2001 by their muslim brothers. They do every year. No reason to believe they won’t this year.

Here’s Jack’s suggestion for Obama’s interfaith day. Grab your Quran Obama and lets read it. Let also read the hadiths. Let’s also read the sunna. Let’s do this … please?

Yes let’s read about the faith that inspired these individuals to commit such an act. See if we can get an insight on why these muslims would do something like that. Why muslims can kill infidels like Jack. Jack knows … when will you learn why or maybe you already know. While we’re at it Obama let’s read this book also.

. .

You might actually learn something about Islam and muslims.

Or you can lie some more like you did last night. It’s up to you champ.

Hey or even better lets make September 11 something else altogether, like worship some program OBAMA came up with, so we can act like it never happened! Yea let’s call it “National Day of Service“. Put Acorn in charge of all the details for that day of service. If the public balks on YOUR day of service you can order Arcorn to “get in their face” as you did in the 08 campaign … right Pimp Daddy.

This whole thing is a slap in the face by our own President … sickining really for the average Americans and absolutely embarrassing to the ones that voted for this person.


Nancy comes across happy but secretly totally frustrated.

Ξ September 10th, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ demwits, duh, idiot, loser, lying media, obami, oh shit, personal, politics, skank |

Thats the public version above … Jack thinks he knows the private version down below.

Big O accepts Rep Wilsons apology but says that he really owes Nancy an apology too. O had worked Nancy to a quivering, trembling mass of nerve endings. She was right there … RIGHT THERE … ready to blow the Big O when so rudely interrupted.

Shes upset but she knows I'll get her another!

No way to treat a ^*#%#!


Obamas speech …

Ξ September 10th, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ corruption, demwits, duh, economy, idiot, loser, lying media, obami, personal, politics |

What the fck did he say?

Nothing new … same ol shit!

Thought he was already elected … not still running!

Pass it champ … own it … make it your signature.

At least one member in that crowd got it right about this speech … Liar!


And this is why Jack agrees with Rep. Wilson … Liar! Yep according to HR: 3200 bill and Obama has given us no other plan to date so we have to assume he was talking about HR: 3200 … yep the man lied over and over again.

This is the best part  …

Obama: The only thing this plan would eliminate is the hundreds of billions of dollars in waste and fraud…Reducing the waste and inefficiency in Medicare and Medicaid will pay for most of this plan.

Powerline: But wait! If we can identify hundreds of billions of dollars in waste and fraud in Medicare and Medicaid and we know how to eliminate it, why haven’t we done so already? Why don’t we do so–right now!–regardless of the administration’s highly controversial health care bill?

Exactly! If Obamas administration KNOWS “hundreds of billions of dollars in waste and fraud in Medicare and Medicaid and we know how to eliminate it,”. The biggest lie of all. You don’t need a new Obama healthcare plan to do that. You need some balls. Come on Obama show us you got some balls first then the American public might give your plan a fresh look.

This speech should be labeled … “Obama lied and people died” and those are his words … not Rep Wilsons or Jacks or anyone elses! Because if you lie, which Obama clearly did “we will call you out” … more of his own words!


Jack publishing a book.

Ξ September 9th, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Islam, corruption, duh, idiot, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lying UN, lying media, mo, politics, religion |

Yep that’s correct. Jack was going to publish a book about shanky town ho’s. A supposedly non-skank woman has advised against using photos in his book. He was informed by supposedly non-skank woman that skanky town ho’s would cut his nuts off and feed them to him if he used photos! Jack is thinking … well she should know!

Yale University, Fareed Zakaria and muslims have a similar situation. 

Yale criticized for nixing Muslim cartoons in book

NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Yale University has removed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad from an upcoming book about how they caused outrage across the Muslim world, drawing criticism from prominent alumni and a national group of university professors.

Yale cited fears of violence.

Yale University Press, which the university owns, removed the 12 caricatures from the book “The Cartoons That Shook the World” by Brandeis University professor Jytte Klausen. The book is scheduled to be released next week.

Klausen said she reluctantly agreed to have the book published without the images because she did not believe any other university press would publish them, and she hopes Yale will include them in later editions. She argues in the book that there is a misperception that Muslims spontaneously arose in anger over the cartoons when they really were symbols manipulated by those already involved in violence.

Donatich said there wasn’t time for the experts to read the book, but they were told of the context. He said reviewers and the publications committee did not object, but were not asked about the security risk.

Many Muslim nations want to restrict speech to prevent insults to Islam they claim have proliferated since the terrorist attacks in the United States on Sept. 11, 2001.

Fareed Zakaria, editor of Newsweek International, a world affairs columnist and CNN host who serves on Yale’s governing board, said he told Yale that he believed publishing the images would have provoked violence.

“As a journalist and public commentator, I believe deeply in the First Amendment and academic freedom,” Zakaria said. “But in this instance Yale Press was confronted with a clear threat of violence and loss of life.”

Should Jack fold to the violent threats of being deballed and NOT publish with photos? Or should Jack manup and publish with photos in defense of free speech?

Example photos: click at your own risk and repeat after Jack … Islam is the religion of peace … Islam is the religion of peace … Islam is the religion of peace. Sure it is Fareed Zakaria says so and he would know.

Update: If Jack publishes he’s deballed … if he doesnt publish he’s STILL deballed in another way … don’t ya think?


Hey that’s great … really!

Ξ September 8th, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ duh, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lying UN, lying media, mo, politics, religion |

No really this is great. They got a fair trial and was convicted. They’ll at least be doing time and off the streets albiet they’ll be coddled by the UK prison system at their every Islamic whim. They’ll have their hala food, toilets pointing away from Mecca, prayer time to gather and plot jihad with other muslims etc etc.

Jack has never understood this. Why coddle these jihadi fucks? They won’t like you ANY better when they are released or stop their jihad against you in any way. Jack’s not syaing to treat them any different than any other convicts, just the opposite. Treat them EXACTLY like any other convict.

Faces of  Islamophuqcknuts!

Just don’t cut them loose next year or so in some kind of deal like you did the Lockerbie bomber.

Jack’s take: they’ll do a year or so and then house arrest/contol orders or whateva the Uk calls it  … then back to plotting to kill infidels. Well they’ll never stop that, in or out of prison. Why? Jack had to hunt in several articles on BBC to find one sentence of WHY!


Why did all these men turn to violence?

The reason can be found in their own words, writings and martyrdom videos; a simple and seething anger over British and American foreign policy, and an overwhelming belief that Muslims were its helpless victims.

The question should be, why does ANY muslim turn to violence? And BBC still gets it wrong yet again … it’s jihad stupid. The same “Islamic” jihad that Allah has commanded for 1400 years per Quran/hadith/sunna.

UK elections are coming soon. Remember the “it’s the economy stupid”? In the UK it should be “it’s the economy AND jihad dumbass”.


Ooh, ooh that smell!

Ξ September 7th, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ corruption, demwits, economy, loser, lying media, music, obami, oh shit, politics |

Smells like fish to Jack.

With all of Obama’s troubles with his czars lately he should take note. Clean that bus from all the smelly odors! You can’t just toss one off the bus and expect it to smell like roses. You got to get rid of ALL of that stench. If not that stench gets on YOU and stays with you.

Also where is “Al the race baiter Sharpton” with all his rhetoric about hate crimes? Must be on vacation riding the bus in Honolulu!

Or it could be this smell. Smell of a $1,000,000 outhouse.

When the government spends your money, they decide local slate isn’t good enough. The slate must be imported from Vermont.

They must use flower seed that costs $700 a pound. The outhouse must have windows and a porch. Why does an outhouse need a porch? And of course, the paint must be epoxy that costs $78 a gallon.

When the smoke cleared, more than $780,000 had been spent to build the outhouse. How did they spend that much? Well, bureaucracy costs money.

It took more than a dozen Park Service engineers and architects two years to design the outhouse. That cost over $100,000. Then to oversee the project, a supervisor from Denver lived onsite in Pennsylvania for about a year. That cost another $80,000.

Then they had to get environmental approvals and meet all government construction rules. That meant hiring minority-owned firms; size requirements mandated by the Americans With Disabilities Act; and paying union-like construction wages. It adds up. (just like the budget … jack)

Yep there’s a foul odor in the air in American politics today. The great uniter has done nothing but divide. Looks like it will be around for another …

There’s Hope and Change coming. Until then hold your nose cause no doubt that stench is going to be around … till then. Ooh, ooh that smell … sniffffffff!


CULT of personality

Ξ September 7th, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ corruption, demwits, duh, economy, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, loser, lying UN, lying media, mo, music, obami, oh shit, personal, play, politics, religion, skank, work |

When you gotem down … kickem!

ht: Dr Dave


Can Jack identify with this?

Ξ September 6th, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ corruption, demwits, duh, economy, lying media, music, obami, oh shit, personal, play, politics |

Mens breast habits busted

What ya lookin at Jacky boy?

FED-UP women who say that men talk to their boobs instead of looking at their face have been proved right.

The study concluded: ‘Eighty per cent of first fixations were on the breasts and midriff. Men spent consistently more time looking at the breasts and also made significantly more fixations upon them than other regions.’

Jack can identify with the 20% that look at their mind … first.

Song for this post: SRV Wall of Denialdedicated to the White House and MSM. We didn’t know ANYTHING about it!

A White House official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a personnel matter, said Sunday that Jones’s past was not studied as intensively as other advisers because of his relatively low rank.

Jones’s position, for example, did not require Senate confirmation. So he avoided the kind of vetting Cabinet officials were subjected to…

“He was not as thoroughly vetted as other administration officials,” the official said. “It’s fair to say there were unknowns.”

And you thought Jack was talking about his own denial !


Jack only wishes he could identify!

Ξ September 6th, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ corruption, demwits, duh, economy, lying media, obami, personal, play, politics |

The first family you can identify with
ht: Weasel Zippers


Obama’s vacation time was hardly your average American’s week at the lake. The family stayed in a house they rented for $25,000 per week on an island …

Jack only wishes he could lay up on an island for “$25,000 per week” … and he knows which island it would be!

ahhhhhhhhhhh ... notice the hat!

Yep the “average American” only wishes they could identify! Don’t you love the spin on this one. Sounds like a movie review.


Checkmate …

Ξ September 6th, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ corruption, demwits, duh, economy, loser, lying media, obami, personal, play, politics |

Politics is a multi-level game of chess that play out in all our lives.

“The biggest problems that we’re facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all. And that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m president of the United States.”
Sen. Barack Obama, March 31, 2008

Oh my … another broken promise.

This game is over ... another coming soon.

Van Jones resigns. NYT covers his resignation (first print word from them on Van Jones). They learned about him today? No wonder they are going broke. LOL

How about this guy ( John Holdren) next. He has some very eye opening ideas TOO! Does the MSM know him?

Forced abortions. Mass sterilization. A “Planetary Regime” with the power of life and death over American citizens.

The tyrannical fantasies of a madman? Or merely the opinions of the person now in control of science policy in the United States? Or both?

These ideas (among many other equally horrifying recommendations) were put forth by John Holdren, whom Barack Obama has recently appointed Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, and Co-Chair of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology — informally known as the United States’ Science Czar. In a book Holdren co-authored in 1977, the man now firmly in control of science policy in this country wrote that:

• Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not;
• The population at large could be sterilized by infertility drugs intentionally put into the nation’s drinking water or in food;
• Single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized from them against their will and given away to other couples to raise;
• People who “contribute to social deterioration” (i.e. undesirables) “can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility” — in other words, be compelled to have abortions or be sterilized.
• A transnational “Planetary Regime” should assume control of the global economy and also dictate the most intimate details of Americans’ lives — using an armed international police force.

Yesssssssss … setup the board. Let’s play AGAIN AGAIN boo


Labor Day Weekend … Jacks on the JOB!

Ξ September 5th, 2009 | → 1 Comments | ∇ corruption, demwits, duh, economy, loser, lying media, music, obami, oh shit, personal, politics |

So how’s that job creation going O?

OMG … Same as the budget. Obami said he’ll cut debt in half … debt doubles. Obami said 600,000 jobs will be created … almost one million jobs lost to 9.7% unemployment rate.

No wonder he wants to talk to children now.

That’s why Obama’s classroom plan is a bad idea. When every decision on what to say or not to say is flammable, when every syllable is a rhetorical landmine, it is foolhardy for the president to insert himself — Particularly when, one would hope, he has more pressing decisions to make.

Grownups that will take a hard look at what he says that can do math and hard look at what happens will come to the conclusion Obami doesn’t have a clue of what he’s talking about. Children or at least some of them, he can still convince he’s the ONE.

One place job creation/expanding wages has been and continues at even a more excelerated pace under Obamis watch is the Federal government.

It’s time to put a stop to this. Federal wages should be frozen for a period of years, at least until the private-sector economy has recovered and average workers start seeing some wage gains of their own. At the same time, gold-plated federal benefit packages should be scaled back as unaffordable given today’s massive budget deficits. There are many qualitative benefits of government work—such as extremely high job security—so taxpayers should not have to pay for such lavish government pay packages.

Remember no COLA’s for Social Security recipients next two years, many their only means of income. How about NO raises for government employees making DOUBLE the private sector for next TEN years? That will bring the government payroll more in line with private sector. Oh and don’t get Jack started on the ferderal worker benefits excempted out of most of Obamis proposals for all of his domestic policies! Policies good enough for Joe Public but NOT for federal employees like Obama, his advisors, czars, cronies and general flunkies.

Jack does understand Obama said … Some will have to give so others can receive. Start giving Obama … instead of taking!

Give what you PROMISED … CHANGE!

Instead of that Trust in Me you have given to date. Obamas trust meter is at an all time low and dropping like a rock.

Jack takes deep breath … hmmm 1 thousand 1, 1 thousand 2, 1 thousand 3 … puuuuuuuu! He decided holding his breath will be hazardous to his health. O’s only kept one promise so far and that was to Michelle.

Now that chore is done … now on THE JOB … I want to ta ta and thank you baby


Told ya to look for this guys (Van Jones) name …

Ξ September 4th, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ corruption, demwits, duh, economy, lying media, obami, oh shit, politics |

… but you won’t find it here (MSM).

Total words about the Van Jones controversy in the New York Times: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy in the Washington Post: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy on NBC Nightly News: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy on ABC World News: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy on CBS Evening News: 0.

How does someone like this get to work in the White House? Easy … you are invited to by the President of the United States. Yes that’s correct the White House surrounds themselves with like minded thinkers. Fills appointments with people that share the White Houses same views, ideas and political goals. That’s nothing new ofcourse. That this man was appointed by Obama should SCREAM volumes about our president and his adminstration. It damn sure does to Jack. How about you?

Valerie Jerrett (Obamis right hand woman) on Van Jones …

JARRETT:. You guys know Van Jones? [Applause. Moderator injects: "This is his house apparently."]

JARRETT: Oooh. Van Jones, alright! So, Van Jones. We were so delighted to be able to recruit him into the White House. We were watching him, uh, really, he’s not that old, for as long as he’s been active out in Oakland. And all the creative ideas he has. And so now, we have captured that. And we have all that energy in the White House.

Hello Van ... glad to have you on board.

Jack can only imagine what was said on this 3-way but maybe something like this …

O: Van my man … we love your ideas.
Val: YES Van we are so excited to have you coming on board to help us change the world.
J: Guys you hav’nt heard anything yet! When I get to DC I’m going to hit the ground running for ya. We’re going to shake this place up! But I may have some problems passing confirmation hearings.
Val: Naaa … not for your new position.
O: Man we don’t need no stinking confirmation! You gona be one of my personal czars. These people are dumber than what we thought. We just bypass those stupid mothas that oversee us and they can’t do a fucking thing about it. But stay on the down low for now.
Val: No prob bro.

Jack can give Van Jones one thing so far. He has been honest about his political, social plan for America. Jack can’t say the same for the current president.

Click over to here for a very good roundup of the man and what he is all about. Glenn Beck has been on to him for awhile but MSM only wants to call Glenn Beck a crazy man … not Van Jones.


Summer is over!

Ξ September 4th, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ oh shit, personal, play, work |

Some of Jacks post make no sense at all! Well maybe alot of them. He got out of his chair today and mowed the grass at 10am. He hardly broke a sweat till he got to back yard.


Jack loves the summer. Wishes he could live the endless summer hanging 7!

Jack cant count!

But summer is gone. Those tan lines will fade away soon. LOL

Tan lines ... yeah!

But … wouldnt it be nice if summer were endless? Makes sense now?


Fatwas, Fasting and Sex

Ξ September 4th, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ duh, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, mo, politics, religion |

Does thinking about sex break your fast?

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) further said, “There are many who fast, but they gain nothing out of their fast except hunger and thirst; there are many who pray at night, and yet they gain nothing out of their prayers except sleep deprivation.” In other words, fasting properly involves abstention from all unseemly thoughts, words, and actions.

Needless to say … Jack will not be fasting. How about you?


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