Blast from the past

Ξ May 21st, 2010 | → 0 Comments | ∇ oh shit, personal, play, skank, work |

Jack has been posting on DiveDesk for more than 7 years. A few years ago he lost several years of post and comments due to an upgrade snafu with WordPress. One of the first themes he used was a watermelon theme. Jack loves those melons.

ewwww ... that's gona get sticky!

And some that know Jack well would call him a madman ;)


Islam: Living Mohammads dream.

Ξ May 21st, 2010 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Islam, MSM, demwits, duh, idiot, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lying UN, lying media, mo, obami, politics, religion |

You Jihadists are going to crush those elements and move beyond into Kenya.

“The jihad is for the liberation of all Muslims around the world,” said Sheikh Ali Dhere. “When we succeed in this part, we will to move to other parts until we ensure only Allah is worshipped in this world,” he added amid chants of Allahu Akbar (God is Great).

Al Shabaab, Al Qaeda and literally any muslim that has done their homework knows this is Mohammads dream. He attempted to peacefully succeed in ruling the world in Allahs name and then when that didn’t work turned to violence. These ol boys are simply doing their part to make that dream come true.

Many say like Eric Holder … JACK it’s not that simple! This has to do with poverty, education etc etc … NO it is just that simple. If you only read the Quran you would know that too as these ol boys do.


SciFi becomes reality …

Ξ May 21st, 2010 | → 2 Comments | ∇ Islam, MSM, economy, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, loser, mo, oh shit, personal, politics, religion |

Scientists Create Synthetic Organism

jihada jane

How long before we have synthetic soldiers?