If you’re a Democrat …

Ξ July 30th, 2010 | → 1 Comments | ∇ corruption, demwits, duh, economy, loser, lying media, obami, oh shit, politics, work |

… and chairman of the Ways and Means Committee ( which writes the tax code ) ,it’s ok to be a tax cheat?

The clock is ticking on tax cheat Charlie Rangel

>Friggin rat bastard on Jacks dime!

It turns out Rangel had a credit union account worth at least $250,000 and maybe as much as $500,000 — and didn’t report it. He had investment accounts worth about the same, which he also didn’t report. Ditto for three pieces of property in New Jersey.

Beyond that, we’ve learned that Rangel has failed to report assets totaling more than $1 million on legally required financial disclosure forms going back to at least 2001.

The news comes on top of revelations last year that Rangel didn’t report — and didn’t pay taxes on — income from a villa in the Caribbean. In that matter, the Internal Revenue Service gave him sweetheart treatment; Rangel paid about $10,000 in back taxes but was not required to pay any penalty or interest.

Sweetheart deals are popping up all over the place. If his tax cheating was a one off thing honestly Jack wouldn’t think much of this. Charley Rangel has shown over many years that he has KNOWN, WILLINGLY and REPEATLY cheated on his taxes yet he gets a sweetheart deal.

How can these people continue to be re-elected? It would be different if the voting public didn’t know these crooks were CROOKS!

Jack wants wants one … dammit! Not a chance in hell that this would pass that would put Jack and the ordinary tax payer on par with the likes of Charlie Rangel.

Thus the “Rangel Rule.” Under H.R. 735, if you’re caught cheating on your taxes, you would pay what you owe, then write “Rangel Rule” at the top of your return, and you wouldn’t be charged any penalty or interest. That way, Carter said when he introduced the bill, ordinary taxpayers would be “treated with the same courtesy that, it seems, the IRS is treating the chairman of the Ways and Means Committee.”

Jack would like to thank Rep. John Carter, a Texas Republican for giving it a try for the little guy that the Democrats lie and say they protect. They protect their on … period! It’s time for Charlie the Rat Rangel to room with former Representative William J. Jefferson.

Come on Nancy Pelosi … do your job. Come on Eric Holder … do your job. Most of all if this was a Republican it would be 24/7 wall to wall coverage by MSM. Come on MSM … do your job … FAT CHANCE!

These politicians are NOT going to police themselves when fortunes are at their figertips for the taking. In poll after poll the public say the bums should be put out on the streets … if only the voting public would go to the polls on voting day and do just that.


Jack thinks it’s a miracle but it looks like Charlie Rangel will finally have to account for his ways. Well if he doesn’t cut a sweetheart deal that let’s him slide into retirement without any admission of guilt!

And if he is found to be guilty shouldn’t that sweetheart retirement be null and void. Especially since he’s probably already stole that much money from the public coffers!

Update: No miracle or kinda a miracle. What does Dems have in mind for punishment?

Slap on the hand … don’t do that anymore Charlie … or rather don’t get CAUGHT dammit!

And let’s finish this whole mess with a birthday party fundraiser!