Eric Holder: alas the smoking gun!

Ξ June 30th, 2012 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, MSM, corruption, demwits, idiot, loser, lying media, music, obami, oh shit, personal, politics, racist, taqiyah |

Fast and Furious: GOP says wiretaps revealed Gunwalking early on

pick yourself out of this one

“Contrary to the Attorney General’s statements, the enclosed wiretap affidavit contains clear information that agents were willfully allowing known straw buyers to acquire firearms for drug cartels and failing to interdict them-in some cases even allowing them to walk to Mexico. In particular, the affidavit explicitly describes the most controversial tactic of all: abandoning surveillance of known straw purchasers, resulting in the failure to interdict firearms,” says Issa.

Congress has him by the short hairs now. All congress has to do now is squeeze till he talks.

American Dream


More penalty tax stuff …

Ξ June 30th, 2012 | → 0 Comments | ∇ demwits, duh, economy, idiot, loser, lying media, obami, personal, politics, religion, skank |

obama fcked me

“It’s a penalty because you have a choice,” Carney said. “You don’t have a choice to pay your taxes, right? You have a choice to buy — if you can afford health insurance. … So if you don’t buy it, and you can afford it, it is an irresponsible thing to do to ask the rest of America’s taxpayers to pay for your care when you go to the emergency room. So your choice is to purchase healthcare reform or a penalty will be administered.”

Jack messed up on his “taxes” a few years ago. He had to pay the tax, PLUS a penalty, PLUS interest.

Jack is wandering WTF Jay Carney is thinking when he said you have a choice? Does he mean if you choose not to buy healthcare … no problem? That is what he would like you to think. Jack is simply asking you to THINK.

What happens if you don’t pay your taxes (which the court has ruled this is)? A penalty, interest and who knows what else. We learn more everyday about ObamaCare.

Jack doesn’t think Obama gives a fck … pay up bitch!

This is what happens when you intentionally and willingly refuse to pay the IRS their pound of flesh.

Singer Lauryn Hill is facing jail time after pleading guilty to tax evasion charges in a New Jersey Court on Friday. The former Fugee could owe up to $75,000 in fines and three years behind bars for failing to file between 2005 and 2007.

Yep Jay she had a choice. She made a bad choice.