It don’t make Census to Jack!

Ξ February 5th, 2010 | → | ∇ corruption, demwits, duh, economy, idiot, loser, obami, personal, politics |

The Super-Sized Census Boondoggle

Take the number of people paying taxes and add to that the number of people on the public dole. You pretty much have your census. A little work and a simple spreadsheet will do it … and for a lot less money than millions of tax payer dollars!

Where to cut the spending? Obama has told us we have to make some tough choices. Yup, it wasn’t easy, but they decided to keep in the $2.5 million for a Census ad during the Super Bowl. That’s just a part of the $132 million we will spend to tell people to fill out and mail in their census forms.

Now you’ll have many say … HEY what about the illegal aliens, homeless etc? Well illegal aliens aren’t supposed to be able to vote and homeless people don’t vote and all this etc etc CENSUS is about getting votes … right!

More goverment non-cenus spending of YOUR money. Spending a million bucks telling YOU the government is spending YOUR money!

Got any better ideas than US government spending millions of OUR dollars to be counted or hoodwinked … Jack welcomes solutions!


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