This is how much trouble the US is in … OCare

Ξ February 22nd, 2010 | → | ∇ MSM, corruption, demwits, duh, economy, idiot, loser, lying UN, lying media, obami, personal, politics, work |

This thursday President Obama will hold his much heralded “Bipartisan” meeting with Republicans on the health-care summit. It will all be televised for transparency. Today Obama showed his hand … here it is.

You think you can challenge ME!

Now this is the part that will be so evident of the trouble today. Jack which we all know is not some political wizard or economist or whateva … can and could if invited to this summit show exactly how Obama’s plan will NOT bring cost down. Show how the plan is supposedly paid for is smoke and mirrors at best. Plus CBO say they can’t put a price on it. Jack can’t put a price on it either. Let’s take a look at how the plan is to be paid for according to Obama though.

Basically according to Obama the plan is going to be so attractive to business and they are going to save so much money under his plan … businesses are going to give raises to their employees which in turn will create the extra tax revenue, plus cut fraud from existing system.

Ok take the first part … show of hands on will that happen? WHAT… no one put their hand up!

On the fraud part, do it now idiot if there’s that much fraud … why wait!

Come on champ … invite Jack. He needs a vacation and some laughs.

Oh and the NEW taxes too … Jack almost forgot.


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