He is not your average citizen.

Ξ December 3rd, 2010 | → | ∇ MSM, corruption, demwits, duh, economy, idiot, loser, lying media, obami, personal, politics, skank |

House censures veteran Rep. Rangel for misconduct

Ok he broke the House rules and got a slap on the hand. He also broke the tax laws … how bout some jail time!

Responding, he admitted he had made mistakes and said he was sorry he had put fellow House members in an embarrassing position. But he suggested the winds of politics were involved as well.

While interviewed …

PICKET: I’m just asking what is your response to criticism that if the average American citizen. Someone who is not a congressman

REP. RANGEL:Please, I’m not a psychiatrist. I don’t deal in average American citizens. Citizens are diverse. They are broad. I don’t know what is average, and so I don’t really agree… I’ll come back to you when you think of a good question.

You damn right politics was played and he’s not an average citizen when it comes to the law. Jack IS your average citizen and Jack would be in jail!


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