Keeping with Spy theme from last post …

Ξ April 10th, 2012 | → | ∇ MSM, duh, football, oh shit, personal, play, skank |

The new bond girl?

you mean these girls ... James

You say NO way! She has made one film. Short clip that she showed her ample assets. Didn’t win any awards but did vault her career into the business. Maybe a non speaking part would be good … just alot bikinis and moaning.

Hmmm … What would her bond movie name be? Assa Plentatious?

Now the real news of the day. Obama NOW says that the “Buffet Rule” was NEVER intended to help with the debt crisis. It’s about being fair. Funny but the “Buffet Rule” WAS touted as a start to reduce the debt until the public finally is told the truth that taking ALL the millionaires money would run the government till noon of ONE day! So Kim you better watch out … Obama is after your Assets more than vevr!


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