How shitty is Eric Holder … DOJ?

Ξ June 3rd, 2012 | → | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, MSM, corruption, demwits, idiot, obami, oh shit, politics, racist, skank |

Holder to Florida: Stop checking records for illegal voters

yea put your hands up muther fcker

On Friday, Attorney General Eric Holder and the U.S. Justice Department demanded that the State of Florida — considered a vital electoral state — to stop checking voter records in that state’s probe of illegal voter registrations.

Meanwhile, in a letter to a top state official, T. Christian Herren Jr. of the Justice Department’s Voting Section, said “the effort appeared to violate the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which protects minorities.”

In the letter to Florida’s Secretary of State Ken Detzner, who is in charge of elections, Herren claimed searching for illegal voters “seemed to violate the 1993 National Voter Registration Act” and its rules for maintaining “accurate and current” voter registration lists “in a uniform and non-discriminatory manner.”

However, critics of Holder and his underlings at DOJ believe this is another scheme to allow illegal immigrants, convicted felons and out-of-state residents to vote in Florida which has been a battleground state that can determine a winner by a mere few hundred votes.

“Holder, Herren and their boss [President Barack] Obama have shown absolutely no proof of discrimination. If they’re so worried about the integrity of voters rights, why didnt they go after the New Black Panther Party who actually interfered with voters rights?” asked political strategist Michael Baker.

You cannot remove from your voter rolls felons, illegal aliens, dead people (you know people that are not supposed to be able to vote by law)! Obama needs those votes!
That’s how shitty Eric Holder, DOJ and Obama … it be smelly up in the DOJ.


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