Jack feels U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. pain.

Ξ November 10th, 2012 | → | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, Islam, MSM, corruption, demwits, loser, lying media, politics, racist, skank |

Shame the low information dems overwhelming voted him in for another corrupt term … bye bye!


Gawker predicts rehab.

Jack concurs …


she looks exhausting

Exhausted and, according to a friend, fighting to save his marriage, U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. announced Monday he’s been on a previously-undisclosed medical leave of absence for the past two weeks.

Just last week, a fund-raiser in the middle of the Jackson saga — Raghuveer Nayak — was arrested by federal authorities in an unrelated alleged fraud scheme.

Yep that will do it. Between blondes that’s not your wife and very close associates being arrested for fraud with your name being tossed into the mix … will exhaust you. Jesse Jackson Jr. should turn to his dad for advice in these matters. Jesse Jackson Sr. has alot of experience in these very exhausting matters. But as Kathy Shaidle saysexhaustion is not a medical problem.

One of my goals in choosing to participate in mass media is to help viewers and listeners wade through the nonsense that is fed to them and help them become more sophisticated consumers of media. As a physician one of the most transparent and troubling lies that I see spun from publicists and then distributed as legitimate news is when a young public figure becomes ill. What we hear from the spin doctors is that the young client is suffering from “exhaustion” and/or “dehydration.”

Really … come on … that’s like laying on the rocks playing with your dog and calling that a job! It’s hard work but not a job.


Coco’s dog does look alot like Sr. Don’t you think?

Jack is pretty sure what Sr’s advice will be … deny, deny, deny and never forget to play your race card.

born with with race card


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