Math: Democratic ver Repubulican and other shit!

Ξ August 10th, 2012 | → | ∇ corruption, demwits, duh, economy, obami, personal, politics |

You would think that a subject like math there would be no difference between democrats and republicans. Not so! There is a huge difference. Example would be that Obama keeps to his guns that he’s HELPED the economy and in turn helped the working man. Now in fact the economy hasn’t really gotten better. It’s about the same as when he took office except US government is trillions more in debt.

fuzzy math

But let Jack give a more practical example of how dems do math and repub do math. Mrs Jack and Jack went to casino the other day. On the way they stopped by credit union and got $200. Jack handed $100 to Mrs Jack and kept the other $100. Simple enough, both have $100 … correct? So off to the casino they go. After playing the slots for couple hours they decide to stop and get a bite to eat. Here is where the math starts to get fuzzy.

Mrs Jack: OK tell the truth … how much did you lose?
Jack: I did better than usual hun … I still have $60 of my original $100. I LOST $40.
Jack: So how did you do hun?
Mrs Jack: I WON $150.
Jack: So you buying supper?
Mrs Jack: Hell no … I only got $20 and I’m getting that hat I saw in boutique on the way out!
Jack: I thought you said you WON $150.
Mrs Jack: I DID WIN $150 but lost it all back AND It’s your fault Jack because you told me to keep playing!

Do you see the fuzzy math? In Mrs Jacks democratic mind she will go to her grave claiming she WON $150 not LOST $80 and it’s Jacks fault.

Jack really pissed her off when he told her she should be honest and cut her losses. If you stick to the story you WON $150 and now only have $20 that would mean you actually lost $230 … or you’re lying and have way more than $20.

Mrs Jacks comeback … It’s doesn’t matter, OK I’ll buy dinner. She payed with credit card that JACK pays the bill. More fuzzy math.

Now Jack is OK with all this. It does clearly show the difference in Democratic (Mrs Jack) math ver Repuplican (Jack) math.

In the end it’s all up to interpretation if you’re a democrat … RIGHT!

President Obama spent his formative years in academia, so he’s no doubt familiar with postmodernism, the literary theory that rejects objective reality and insists instead that everything is a matter of interpretation and relative “truth.” At any rate he’s running the first postmodern Presidential campaign, now organized almost exclusively around allegations about his opponent that bear no relation to the observable universe.


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