How fucked up is Obama administration?

Ξ September 25th, 2014 | → | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, MSM, corruption, demwits, lying media, obami, politics, racist, skank |

So fucked up that it consults with the biggest race baiter on the planet to replace the second biggest race baiter on the planet to head race baiter for Department of Justice.


Rev. Al Sharpton said his civil rights organization, the National Action Network, is “engaged in immediate conversations” with the White House as they work to name a successor to Attorney General Eric Holder, who is set to announce his resignation Thursday afternoon.

Jessie Jackson (3rd biggest race baiter on the planet) is going to be pissed!

For that matter … how fucked up is the Democrat electorite? If any of these race baiters could get the nomination for president the liberal left would vote for them. Hell they already have TWICE voting in Obama. All are community organizers that have gone national. And who will the next Top Cop in America. It won’t be the one on the right.

obamas second wife?

She’s a woman, far left and good looking … how can she be denied!


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