Dumb and Dumber UK version

Ξ May 9th, 2009 | → | ∇ corruption, demwits, duh, economy, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lying UN, lying media, mo, politics, religion, work |


TERROR suspects under house arrest are claiming up to £60.50 a week in ­Jobseeker’s Allowance.

In the latest example of ­soft-touch Britain, 22 out of 23 extremists who applied for the state benefit received it.

Yet none of them is available for work. Severe restrictions are placed on their ­movement because they are deemed a risk to national security.

Jack is betting that 23 that didn’t get the benefits was to damn lazy to fill out the required forms … and he’s bitching that he’s being decriminated against!

Believe Jack … this is the blueprint for Obama’s future. They turn Gitmo detainees loose in the US and they’ll be on welfare within days.


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