When Hillary Clinton lies …

Ξ October 29th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ 2016 elections, DOJ: Eric Holder, Hillary lies, MSM, climate change, corruption, demwits, lying UN, lying media, obami, politics, skank |

… and when MSM lies for Hillary Clinton stick it to MSM good. That’s what Ted Cruz did in last nights debate. That’s what all the Repub candidates need to do. Don’t let the lying bastards off the hook!

Call the fucking liars out for what they are … Hillary Clinton, Obama, Obama’s minions, MSM and any body else pushing the lies.

Charlie Rose and the rest should stop masquerading as journalist and get on Hillary’s payroll. They are already doing the job. They should get paid for defending Hillary.

Maybe Ted Cruz should have suggested the same with the CNBC moderators in the 3rd debate.


If you want muslim migrants in your country …

Ξ October 10th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Hillary lies, Islam, MSM, demwits, economy, jihadi fucks, lying UN, lying media, obami, personal, politics, taqiyah, taxes, work |

no problem.

will she sponsor a family in her home

Don’t ask your country to do it for you. Step up to the plate and sponsor a family. Pay for their food, housing, schooling for their children. You get the idea. You want them. You pay for them. It’s easy peazy.

Now when the muslim that you sponsor throws that pulled pork sandwich in your face demands hala food and you pay for it … don’t bitch!

When that muslim family refuses to send their children to local schools that you payed for and demands mosque be built and you pay for those mosque to educate their children …. don’t bitch!

When these same muslims vote muslims into government and demand total change of your society … don’t bitch!

Jack really wanders who will be a taker of this deal? We know that NONE of the Gulf countries are willing to do this. Not ME governments or individuals in the ME are willing to do this.

Just food, housing, schooling etc etc for thought. Yes you will pay pay dearly with your life and your own society.


But most of all what do they want … MONEY?

Jack’s fav was the slow internet complaint. So if you sponsor a family be ready to provide a “nice” apartment, designer clothing, hala food, smokes … lots of smokes, blazing internet connections and MONEY for them to spend as THEY see fit.


The story of the week will be …

Ξ September 20th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ 2016 elections, Hillary lies, Islam, MSM, demwits, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lying UN, lying media, mo, obami, personal, politics, religion, skank, taqiyah |

Republican candidate Carson says Muslims unfit to be U.S. president

Carson said he thought a U.S. president’s faith should be “consistent with the Constitution.”

Asked if he thought Islam met this bar, the retired neurosurgeon said: “No, I do not.”

Jack agrees. Look for libs heads to explode. It will be very interesting to see if Ben Carson get a bump in the polls.

But here is a perfect example. Muslims DEMAND Germany ban Oktoberfest.

beer and tits

Dear City council of Munich,

I am writing this letter to bring to your attention something that I
and many Muslims believe is unfair and requires attention. I would like to inform you that the Oktoberfest is an Intolerant and Anti-Islamic event. We tried to ignore the event, but there too many Un-Islamic acts done at the Oktoberfest. Such as alcohol consumption, public nudity etc.

We understand that the Oktoberfest is a yearly German tradition, but we, Muslims, can not tolerate this Un-Islamic event, because it offends us and all Muslims on the earth. We are requesting the immediate cancellation of the upcoming Oktoberfest event.

We also believe that the Oktoberfest might also offend all the Muslim refugees coming from Syria, Iraq,
Afghanistan. The cancellation of the Oktoberfest event will help refugees not to forget their Islamic history. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Morad Almuradi

He forgot to mention all the pork sausage they eat too!

This is what the City council of Munich should write back.

Thank you for your concern … Oktoberfest has been part of German culture for 100’s of years long before muslims were here and we love our beer, pork sausage and yes blondes with big TITS … NO!

Maybe the muslim community should hold their own festival that has Islamic values. You could have a public stoning, cut thieves hands off and let’s not forget the gay toss off a tall building. Only problem is you’ll have to travel to a muslim country to hold these Islamic value activities.

You to your festival ours to our festival … deal?


Jack loves them … fuck MSNBC

Ξ August 15th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, Islam, MSM, climate change, corruption, demwits, duh, economy, idiot, loser, lying UN, lying media, obami, oh shit, personal, politics, skank, taqiyah |

The hilarious … Stump for Trump gals.

Yeah … fuck MSNBC! Fuck with Trump and you get these two all over your ass.


The Iran nuclear agreement.

Ξ July 30th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ MSM, climate change, demwits, lying UN, lying media, obami, politics, taqiyah |

This is what should happen. House and Senate should come together and tell Obama to give them the TEXT of the agreement, any and all TEXT of any other side agreements … period and now. If he does that they should look at ALL of the known and hidden agreements and make a decision.

If he can’t or won’t House and Senate should come together and say NO!

This crap of hey we have a wonderful deal for you but we can’t tell you all of that wonderful deal until you approve the wonderful deal you haven’t read has to stop.

Let’s say you go down and negotiate to buy a new car. The salesman tells you he can put you in that car for $350 a month. When you ask how much does the car cost and how many months you will have to pay … the salesman says … oh I can’t tell you that but it is a GREAT deal you cannot pass up and you won’t get a better deal anywhere else.


The sad answer is some people would and that what’s going on with House and Senate DEMS today. Obama says this deal is about trust but verify … just don’t verify what Obama is telling you!


MSM at it’s best … what is the motive?

Ξ July 21st, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, Islam, MSM, demwits, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lying UN, lying media, mo, obami, politics, religion |

Now we all know this is a skit but if you didn’t follow this topic you would never know this is a skit!


Robert Zimmerman is …

Ξ July 16th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, climate change, corruption, demwits, loser, lying UN, lying media, obami, personal, politics, skank, taqiyah |

… is one sick fuck!

This is the Democratic party. You catch them in bold face lies and they blame the Republicans for … catching them in bold face lies. If you notice his whole argument is the clip was edited. When asked what was NOT factual … he spouts the clip was edited and Right wing porn.

Now how does the media cover this story? Here’s a good round up of the trash the media have come up with.

It’s only been two years since the media struggled to even cover the story of Kermit Gosnell, the abortion doctor and serial murderer. After being shamed into covering the “local crime story” by readers and viewers who had requested coverage for years, the media offered a few mea culpas and promised to improve coverage of the abortion topic and present the issue more fairly.

They have repeatedly failed, whether the story was cheerleading for late-term abortion supporter Wendy Davis or accurately covering religious Americans opposition to paying for abortifacients.

This story, however, is so big that it is proceeding even against the wishes of the media and their brethren at Planned Parenthood. As the federal government and state governments prepare to truly investigate Planned Parenthood’s chop shops, let’s hope coverage improves mightily.

Much more to come. What will the Left wing porno crowd come up with to defend the many more to come? Jack predicts they will simply take the day off and then decry … WHAT STORY!


Obama needs to read Koran, hadith and sunna.

Ξ February 24th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, Islam, MSM, demwits, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lying UN, lying media, mo, obami, oh shit, personal, politics, religion, taqiyah |

Obama is almost waging war on “violent extremism” …aka ISIS. Jack prefers to call them simply what they call themselves IS (Islamic State). Now IS is killing non- muslims and muslims alike for the crime of blasphemy and other crimes per sharia law. Obama says IS is not islamic and has nothing to do with Islam. Jack says Obama needs to read the Koran, hadith and sunna. Why?

Saudi court gives death penalty to man who renounced his Muslim faith

Riyadh: An Islamic court in Saudi Arabia has sentenced a man to death for renouncing his Muslim faith, local media reported on Tuesday.
The man, in his 20s, posted an online video ripping up a copy of the Quran and hitting it with a shoe, the media reported.
Saudi Arabia follows the strict school of Islam and gives the clergy control over its justice system.
Under its interpretation of Sharia, apostasy demands the death penalty, as do some other religious offences like sorcery, while blasphemy and criticism of senior Muslim clerics have incurred jail terms and corporal punishment.

Executions in Saudi Arabia are usually carried out by public beheading.

Now who would you think knows more about “sharia law”, Obama or Saudi Arabian government? Who do you think has read, reread, studied and interpreted the true meaning of Koran, hadith and sunna? Obama or Saudi Arabian government? It’s not just Obama though. It’s John Kerry and virtually every single person working for Obama.

Come on Obama … stop the tweeting and twirking … pick up a book.


Good on Rudy Giuliani!

Ξ February 21st, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, MSM, climate change, corruption, demwits, economy, loser, lying UN, lying media, obami, personal, politics, racist, skank, taqiyah, taxes |

Rudy had the balls to call Obama out.

obama love thyself

Jack thinks that Obama does love. He loves the America he can create. He hates the America we have. This has been well documented. Hope and Change … you got to love it. If not Obama has attacked with the full force of (IRS, DOJ, EPA … etc) and any other tool he can use of the American government that he hates and wants to change.

But most of all Obama loves himself.

And how has Obama done this? Well … the democratic party and democratic voters say go ahead. We don’t care what the courts and other checks on your power are … do it!

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 26% of Likely U.S. Voters think the president should have the right to ignore federal court rulings if they are standing in the way of actions he feels are important for the country…

But perhaps more unsettling to supporters of constitutional checks and balances is the finding that 43% of Democrats believe the president should have the right to ignore the courts. Only 35% of voters in President Obama’s party disagree, compared to 81% of Republicans and 67% of voters not affiliated with either major party…

[W]hile 72% of GOP voters and 63% of unaffiliateds believe it is more important to preserve our constitutional system of checks and balances than for the federal government to operate efficiently, Democrats are evenly divided…

Women and younger voters feel more strongly than men and those 40 and older that the president should have the right to ignore federal court rulings. Black voters believe that more than whites and other minority voters do.

Last but most important you have the fluffer’s. Come on you educated liberals know the fluffer’s job? The movie couldn’t be made with out them. You will never see them above the fold. Only on page F7 of the paper to be able to say, HEY we covered that in case someone with balls like Rudy calls them out!


What does IS really want?

Ξ February 17th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, Islam, MSM, demwits, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lying UN, lying media, mo, obami, oh shit, politics, religion, taqiyah |

Exactly what the Koran commands for muslims to do.

Yazidi women and children [are to be] divided according to the Shariah amongst the fighters of the Islamic State who participated in the Sinjar operations [in northern Iraq] … Enslaving the families of the kuffar [infidels] and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of the Shariah that if one were to deny or mock, he would be denying or mocking the verses of the Koran and the narrations of the Prophet … and thereby apostatizing from Islam.

This is why Obama and others can’t call IS Islamic. Thing is if they can’t call IS Islamic they can’t call Koran, hadith and sunna Islamic. Both are one in the same.


This Brian Williams thing is …

Ξ February 10th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, MSM, climate change, corruption, demwits, lying UN, lying media, obami, personal, politics, skank, taqiyah |

… as much about the media in general. Brian Williams is just the spark that has ignited the disdain for the MSM! MSM is sick. Sick dogs that don’t report the news anymore. They distort, exaggerate, ignore and yes when all else fails just flat out lies.

Kinda like the man in the White House.

In 2004, he said: “What I believe, in my faith, is that a man and a woman, when they get married, are performing something before God, and it’s not simply the two persons who are meeting.” He repeated that claim during the 2008 presidential campaign and beyond, citing his understanding of “traditional definitions of marriage.” Those assurances came after Obama had initially backed gay marriage in 1996.

“Obama Misled Nation” is almost a perennial headline–it applies to nearly everything the president does. Yet it is important to be clear about the nature of this particular lie.

Obama did not just pretend not to hold a controversial position. He pretended to hold that view as a matter of his Christian faith. He lied about his most sincere religious convictions–and much of his senior staff lied along with him.

When Obama lies he just “misled.” No he lied and so does our MSM. They do it all the time and with little to no repercussions. So they keep on lying … why not!


It’s a sad day when …

Ξ January 31st, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, MSM, corruption, demwits, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lying UN, lying media, mo, obami, politics, religion |

… our own military won’t call a blow job a blow job.

Every time this guy or any other of Obama’s spokesperson says shit like this the reporter should clear their throat with … BLOW JOB … because that’s what they are getting!


This guy for leader of free world …

Ξ January 13th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, Islam, MSM, islamophuqnuts, lying UN, lying media, mo, obami, oh shit, personal, politics, religion, skank, taqiyah |

because Obama just can’t be bothered.

‘It is incomprehensible that you can turn against freedom,’ Mayor Aboutaleb told Dutch current affairs program Nieuwsuur (Newshour).
‘But if you don’t like freedom, for heaven’s sake pack your bags and leave.
‘If you do not like it here because some humorists you don’t like are making a newspaper, may I then say you can f*** off.

That doesn’t really sound radical to jack. But if you think it does sound radical … you can f*** off too.


ISIS: Enslaving having sex with unbelieving women girls is OK

Ξ December 13th, 2014 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, Islam, MSM, demwits, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lying UN, lying media, mo, obami, politics, religion, taqiyah |

Can you take non-Muslim women and children captive? Yes, says ISIS.

Much of the pamphlet talks about ISIS’ policy on having sexual intercourse with a female slave, something that the group cites the Quran to justify.

This document marks the most detailed, albeit not first, justification for enslaving nonbelievers, as defined by ISIS. Time and again, the group cites the Quran and its view of Sharia law.

This CNN reporter and the others in this article have not read the Quran, haddith and sunna. If they had they would know that the answers to those questions would be … YES, says the Quran, hadith and sunna … not yes , says ISIS.

So the real headline for this article should be … Quran: Enslaving having sex with unbelieving women girls is OK because that’s exactly what Quran says about muslim captive women.


UAE publishes terrorist list …

Ξ November 16th, 2014 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, Islam, MSM, demwits, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lying UN, lying media, obami, politics, religion, taqiyah |

check out # 59 and # 65

59. Council on American-Islamic Relations (Cair)

65. Muslim American Society (Mas)

Two prominent muslim groups that President Obama loves.


This is what happens when you …

Ξ October 6th, 2014 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, Islam, MSM, demwits, islamophuqnuts, lying UN, lying media, mo, obami, politics, religion, taqiyah |

… defend something you have never read or really know anything about.

Ben’s total ignorance of the Quran, hadith and sunna shines through. Notice he goes straight to the gross, racist meme. The other panelist are just as dumb about the subject.


Yo Obama …

Ξ September 24th, 2014 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, Islam, MSM, demwits, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lying UN, lying media, mo, obami, politics, religion, taqiyah |

… nothing to do with Islam? Straight from that holy book Quran.

Sura 47:4: “When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks.” For centuries, Furnish observes, “leading Islamic scholars have interpreted this verse literally,” and examples abound throughout Islamic history.

Islam did exactly as Quran commands to the neck of another unbeliever today. He was French but the main thing here is that he was an “unbeliever.”

This IS the “religion” Obama and almost all our world leaders defends.


I can’t eat this shit …

Ξ September 24th, 2014 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, Islam, MSM, demwits, economy, idiot, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lying UN, lying media, mo, obami, politics, religion, taqiyah |

… say muslims. Here’s a thought. Get a friging job and buy your own food … if you can’t eat this shit!


Islam does not condone …

Ξ September 18th, 2014 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, Islam, MSM, corruption, demwits, islamophuqnuts, lying UN, lying media, mo, obami, oh shit, religion, taqiyah |

sexual violence?

islamic war doctrine

In his Sept. 10 speech laying out his plan for fighting IS, President Obama devoted just eight words to the issue: “They enslave, rape, and force women into marriage.”

Well that’s a start but only half the story. “They enslave, rape, and force women into marriage.” Now if only Obama could have added … This is “Islamic war doctrine per Quran, hadith, sunna” he would have been totally honest. Obama would not and could not say that. No western politician can say that. It would set the world on fire!

Jack is not a politician so he can say it. He’ll say it in a way most everyone will understand.

If it was good enough for Mohammad it is good enough for IS! Now IS has really put the muslim world in a tight spot because they know this and they don’t know what to do. Muslims KNOW that once an Islamic Caliphate is established and the Caliphate declares war which IS has done it is perfectly acceptable per Quran, hadith ,sunna to … “enslave, rape, and force women into marriage.”

Talking to many muslims in the past they have always told Jack that the verses of the Quran that “condone” this was ONLY when a caliphate was rule of law. Well hello IS.

Now what was that about IS is not being Islamic?


Islam does not condone killing …

Ξ September 11th, 2014 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, Islam, MSM, corruption, demwits, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lying UN, lying media, mo, obami, personal, politics, religion, taqiyah |

… innocents like the IRS follows the law?

That’s kinda true or half truth. If you are muslim that may be true per the Quran. If you are any other religion it may not be true per the Quran. What most would call “innocents” the Quran and Mohammad disagreed in many cases and killed what most would call innocents. Did Mohammad himself get Islam wrong? Obama knows this but INSIST “IS” is not Islamic … blah blah blah in his speech last night. Infact Obama being an apostate of Islam per his claims of being Christian he is NOT innocent and he should be put to death per Sharia/Islamic law.

It’s complicated but Obama is a simpleton on this. Simply not telling the truth again. Fact is Islam does condone killing depending on Islams definition of “innocent.” That kinda leaves it wide open. So what’s new in his speech last night … nuttin!

Look at it like this. We follow the law when we can and when we can’t all bets are off.


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