Leftist clown ELEANOR CLIFT says …

Ξ May 12th, 2014 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, corruption, demwits, idiot, loser, lying media, obami, politics, skank |

… there is no such thing as murder.

All humans die their heart stops beating or they stop breathing or something. That’s NOT murder! Did the WH send her an email to say this?


The government shut down …

Ξ May 9th, 2014 | → 0 Comments | ∇ MSM, demwits, duh, economy, loser, lying media, obami, personal, politics, taxes, work |

… and Jack didn’t feel a thang!

talking poins

Jack predicts this shutdown to be about the same as the sequester cuts. Remember when the economy was going to fail because of some cuts. Well think how much money will be saved if the government took a week off without pay. Problem is they are already screaming for back pay for for doing nothing which is exactly what happened the last time US gov shut down. Most workers got a nice paid vacation.

Here’s a list of who will work and who will get the paid vacations.

Ok this is a trick question … if the government shuts down do you still have to pay taxes? Answer is yes … so is the government ever really shut down!

Shut down Update: “un·prec·e·dent·ed” … is the buzzword for Obama speaking of the gov shut down. Now here are the facts. The government has been shutdown 17 “un·prec·e·dent·ed” times in Jacks lifetime. Jack thinks the smartest man on the planet does not know the definition of “un·prec·e·dent·ed.”

unbelievebly stupid obama

Shut down Update 2: Remember the sequester armageddon?

Well we are safe now. Only one government employee lost their job.

Only one employee in the entire federal government lost a job due to sequestration, according to a government audit that found the only permanent cut came at the U.S. Parole Commission, which eliminated one position. …

But hey that’s one more than lost their jobs in all the “non-scandals” of Obama’s adminatration.


Straight up Islamic war doctrine.

Ξ May 5th, 2014 | → 0 Comments | ∇ Islam, MSM, demwits, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lying UN, lying media, mo, obami, oh shit, politics, religion, taqiyah |

Mohammad would have agreed.

slaves in islam

DAKAR, Senegal — In a video message apparently made by the leader of Nigeria’s Islamist group Boko Haram, Abubakar Shekau claimed responsibility for the kidnapping of hundreds of schoolgirls nearly three weeks ago, called the girls slaves and threatened to “sell them in the market, by Allah.

“Western education should end,” Mr. Shekau said in the 57-minute video, speaking in Hausa and Arabic. “Girls, you should go and get married.” The Islamist leader also warned that he would “give their hands in marriage because they are our slaves. We would marry them out at the age of nine. We would marry them out at the age of 12,” he said.

Now most muslims will tell you this is NOT Islam. Sorry but this is straight up Islamic war doctrine. All captives in Islamic wars are officially slaves. They can be sold, ransomed, set free or whatever. Once they are captured they are the “property” of the captor. Now in Mohammads time he got 20% of these slaves and even married one of them.

Read the Quran, hadith etc. and you will see what Jack says is the truth. If you don’t want to read Quran, hadith etc to find out the truth … be ignorant. Abubakar Shekau is definitely not ignorant of Islamic war doctrine … you shouldn’t be either.