More Obama White house lies come to light.

Ξ February 3rd, 2016 | → 0 Comments | ∇ 2016 elections, DOJ: Eric Holder, Hillary lies, climate change, corruption, demwits, lies, lying UN, lying media, obami, politics, racist, taqiyah |

The Obama Administration Misled Americans During the 2013 Debt-Ceiling Debate

Here are some tidbits from the committee’s press release:

Made public for the first time, records turned over to the Committee in response to the subpoena show the Federal Reserve Bank of New York previously made plans to prioritize Social Security, veterans’ benefits, and principal and interest payments on the debt over other government obligations. The Administration, however, directed the New York Fed to withhold this information from the Committee because “Treasury wants to maximize pressure on Congress by limiting communications about contingency planning,” according to a previously undisclosed internal email of the New York Fed…. Efforts by the Obama Administration to keep its contingency planning a secret were met with objections from officials at the Federal Reserve and the New York Fed, who described the approach in an email as “crazy, counter-productive, and add[ing] risk to an already risky situation.”

Obama administration is the dirt bag of lying politics to get whatever they want.

A vote for Hillary Clinton will be as bad if not worse … in the lying department.


How stupid are the US voters?

Ξ January 20th, 2016 | → 0 Comments | ∇ 2016 elections, Hillary lies, MSM, climate change, corruption, demwits, duh, idiot, loser, lying UN, lying media, obami, oh shit, politics, taqiyah |

This Stupid - Nearly 10 percent of college grads think Judge Judy is on Supreme Court

dumbass college students

These are not high school students. They are not trailer trash. These are “supposed” to be well educated “college graduates.” This is a failure of our college educational system! It’s exactly why Obama, Hillary Clinton and others think they can tell the public ANYTHING and they will believe it to be true. These are the same people that will vote for “socialist” Bernie Sanders. These are same people that will vote for Hillary Clinton “knowing (or maybe not)” Hillary has lied over and over and over again on e-mail, Benghazi and many many other issues. Jack can understand why she continues to lie about the e-mail scandal. IF SHE TOLD THE TRUTH SHE WOULD BE INDICTED AND GO TO JAIL!

Jack is not a well educated college graduate. He does know the difference between a television show and the Supreme Court of the United States. 10 % of these “college graduates” don’t!

Good Luck America … We are going to need it!


Obama does not need any stinkin inteligence briefing.

Ξ November 19th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ 2016 elections, Hillary lies, Islam, MSM, climate change, demwits, idiot, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lying UN, lying media, mo, obami, personal, politics, racist, taqiyah |

And he will not read it.

Wednesday on Newsmax TV’s “The Steve Malzberg Show,” veteran journalist Sharyl Attkisson said her sources have told her that President Barack Obama does not want and will not read intelligence reports on groups “he does not consider terrorists,” despite being on a U.S. list of designated terrorists.

Hey maybe that’s he is always saying … I only heard about that on the news! The smartest man in the room?


Jack is thinking about this proposed smoking ban.

Ξ November 12th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ climate change, corruption, demwits, obami, politics |

HUD proposes smoking ban in public housing

Would that include the White House also? WH is public housing.

Would that include all federal buildings?

Nah rules are for the little people.


Liberal skanks hide behind the comedian View.

Ξ November 6th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ 2016 elections, Hillary lies, climate change, demwits, obami, politics, skank |

Carly Fiorina went on the “View” today. It was hillarious. The liberal skanks that constantly promote a far left liberal “political” view whined … hey we aren’t politicians, we are comedians. We should be able to say anything we want about you and you have no right to refute us because … we are comedians.

shanky town hoes

These gals need some “Summers Eve” because something stunk the place up.


If you deny climate change …

Ξ November 6th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ 2016 elections, DOJ: Eric Holder, Hillary lies, MSM, climate change, corruption, demwits, economy, lying media, obami, personal, politics, taxes, work |

government will investigate you.

HOUSTON — The opening of an investigation of Exxon Mobil by the New York attorney general’s office into the company’s record on climate change may well spur legal inquiries into other oil companies, according to legal and climate experts, although successful prosecutions are far from assured.

This is Obama’s way of telling companies that you better get on board with the “climate change” propaganda or the government will come down hard on you. It’s businesses now. Next it will individuals. Look for the IRS to get involved with individuals. This is only the beginning.

Toto … we are not in Kansas anymore!


Do you think a single skank in this vid …

Ξ November 2nd, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ 2016 elections, DOJ: Eric Holder, Hillary lies, Islam, MSM, climate change, demwits, idiot, islamophuqnuts, lying media, mo, obami, personal, politics, religion, skank, taqiyah |

… has any idea what Sharia law details?

Jack is thinking not a single one has a clue. They have a vote and you can see their vote is what you would call a “low information voter.”


When Hillary Clinton lies …

Ξ October 29th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ 2016 elections, DOJ: Eric Holder, Hillary lies, MSM, climate change, corruption, demwits, lying UN, lying media, obami, politics, skank |

… and when MSM lies for Hillary Clinton stick it to MSM good. That’s what Ted Cruz did in last nights debate. That’s what all the Repub candidates need to do. Don’t let the lying bastards off the hook!

Call the fucking liars out for what they are … Hillary Clinton, Obama, Obama’s minions, MSM and any body else pushing the lies.

Charlie Rose and the rest should stop masquerading as journalist and get on Hillary’s payroll. They are already doing the job. They should get paid for defending Hillary.

Maybe Ted Cruz should have suggested the same with the CNBC moderators in the 3rd debate.


And the winner AGAIN …

Ξ September 17th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ MSM, climate change, demwits, lying media, obami, politics |

… is Carly Fiorina!

carly fiorina is a winner and leader

She clearly won the first debate without even being on the main stage with the big boys so the media really had no choice to include her in the second debate. For the most part she stayed above the frey that Jake Tapper wanted so bad. A cat fight among the candidates to show them as fools. She went after the person that she will most likely have to beat in the general election. Jake Tapper didn’t like that. Tuff shit Jake … keep up the pressure on Hillary and the dem policies. That is a winning strategy.

Rubio and Cruz did great also. Jack is hoping for any combination of Carly Fiorina/Mark Rubio/Ted Cruz ticket.

Ben Carson is a smart nice guy but falls short for the pres bid. He would make a great head of the CDC.

Trump was Trump but kinda off his game. He should have called out Jake Tapper for his crap. That is Trump’s forte. He did call out Megan Kelly in the first debate but gave Jake Tapper a pass second.

Anyway if Carly does get the nomination it’s going to fun times in the general debates with Hillary!


Hillary Rodham Clinton lies lies lies.

Ξ August 17th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, Hillary lies, MSM, climate change, corruption, demwits, lying media, oh shit, personal, politics, skank, taqiyah |

This is what the Clintons do. Bill is pretty good at lying but Hillary not so much.

Do you want this woman for your president? For those that say … HEY … Bush lied! Well Jack can say for sure you never wanted GWB as president.


Jack loves them … fuck MSNBC

Ξ August 15th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, Islam, MSM, climate change, corruption, demwits, duh, economy, idiot, loser, lying UN, lying media, obami, oh shit, personal, politics, skank, taqiyah |

The hilarious … Stump for Trump gals.

Yeah … fuck MSNBC! Fuck with Trump and you get these two all over your ass.


EPA Do as we say not as we do!

Ξ August 14th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ MSM, climate change, corruption, duh, idiot, lying media, obami, politics, skank, taqiyah |

epa is toxic

A river that turned a troubling shade of orange after toxic waste was accidentally released into it a week ago is “restoring itself,” the country’s top environmental official said Thursday.

Speaking at the Animas River in Farmington, New Mexico, on Thursday, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy told reporters that the water quality has returned to “pre-incident conditions” after toxic sludge from an abandoned gold mine upstream in southern Colorado flowed into it.

The very good news is that we see that this river is restoring itself,” McCarthy said

Does this skank really want us to believe the next time private business has a spill that the EPA won’t be on them like flies on shit?


Those pesky classified Clinton emails!

Ξ August 11th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, climate change, corruption, demwits, loser, lying media, obami, politics, skank |

Update: Time to place your bets!

Will Hillary do the perp walk before or after the 2016 election?

I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email,” Clinton said at a news conference in March. “I’m certainly well aware of the classified requirements and did not send classified material.”

Every time she denies denies denies can’t you just hear Bill saying … I never had sex with that woman … Miss Lewinsky!

yea i gave bill a bj

Well we all know he did and with any luck we’ll get the truth about the emails.

This may help. So Huma and Cheryl are you ready to go to jail to protect Big Hillary!

As agreed by the parties at the July 31, 2015 status hearing, the Government shall produce a copy of the letters sent by the State Department to Mrs. Hillary Clinton, Ms. Huma Abedin and Ms. Cheryl Mills regarding the collection of government records in their possession. These communications shall be posted on the docket forthwith. The Government has also agreed to share with Plaintiff’s counsel the responses sent by Mrs. Clinton, Ms. Abedin and Ms. Mills. These communications shall also be posted on the docket forthwith. In addition, as related to Judicial Watch’s FOIA requests in this case, the Government is HEREBY ORDERED to: (1) identify any and all servers, accounts, hard drives, or other devices currently in the possession or control of the State Department or otherwise that may contain responsive information; (2) request that the above named individuals confirm, under penalty of perjury, that they have produced all responsive information that was or is in their possession as a result of their employment at the State Department. If all such information has not yet been produced, the Government shall request the above named individuals produce the information forthwith; and (3) request that the above named individuals describe, under penalty of perjury, the extent to which Ms. Abedin and Ms. Mills used Mrs. Clinton’s email server to conduct official government business. The Government shall inform the Court of the status of its compliance with this Order no later than August 7, 2015, including any response received from Mrs. Clinton, Ms. Abedin and Ms. Mills. Signed by Judge Emmet G. Sullivan on July 31, 2015.


The Iran nuclear agreement.

Ξ July 30th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ MSM, climate change, demwits, lying UN, lying media, obami, politics, taqiyah |

This is what should happen. House and Senate should come together and tell Obama to give them the TEXT of the agreement, any and all TEXT of any other side agreements … period and now. If he does that they should look at ALL of the known and hidden agreements and make a decision.

If he can’t or won’t House and Senate should come together and say NO!

This crap of hey we have a wonderful deal for you but we can’t tell you all of that wonderful deal until you approve the wonderful deal you haven’t read has to stop.

Let’s say you go down and negotiate to buy a new car. The salesman tells you he can put you in that car for $350 a month. When you ask how much does the car cost and how many months you will have to pay … the salesman says … oh I can’t tell you that but it is a GREAT deal you cannot pass up and you won’t get a better deal anywhere else.


The sad answer is some people would and that what’s going on with House and Senate DEMS today. Obama says this deal is about trust but verify … just don’t verify what Obama is telling you!


Robert Zimmerman is …

Ξ July 16th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, climate change, corruption, demwits, loser, lying UN, lying media, obami, personal, politics, skank, taqiyah |

… is one sick fuck!

This is the Democratic party. You catch them in bold face lies and they blame the Republicans for … catching them in bold face lies. If you notice his whole argument is the clip was edited. When asked what was NOT factual … he spouts the clip was edited and Right wing porn.

Now how does the media cover this story? Here’s a good round up of the trash the media have come up with.

It’s only been two years since the media struggled to even cover the story of Kermit Gosnell, the abortion doctor and serial murderer. After being shamed into covering the “local crime story” by readers and viewers who had requested coverage for years, the media offered a few mea culpas and promised to improve coverage of the abortion topic and present the issue more fairly.

They have repeatedly failed, whether the story was cheerleading for late-term abortion supporter Wendy Davis or accurately covering religious Americans opposition to paying for abortifacients.

This story, however, is so big that it is proceeding even against the wishes of the media and their brethren at Planned Parenthood. As the federal government and state governments prepare to truly investigate Planned Parenthood’s chop shops, let’s hope coverage improves mightily.

Much more to come. What will the Left wing porno crowd come up with to defend the many more to come? Jack predicts they will simply take the day off and then decry … WHAT STORY!


Where have you been Jack?

Ξ July 13th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ MSM, climate change, demwits, islamophuqnuts, lying media, obami, oh shit, personal, politics, racist, religion |

Well Jack has been on a road trip. First stop was Biloxi, Mississippi to visit Jefferson Davis home and Presidential Library.

jefferson davis home

Next he was off to Florida to see the sites and some fishing at Daytona Beach for a few days.

fishing was good

And he is hoping that Kid Rock’s “Kiss My Ass” tour with Ted Nugent will be coming to Houston. Jack will be there!

kiss my ass tour


Good on Rudy Giuliani!

Ξ February 21st, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, MSM, climate change, corruption, demwits, economy, loser, lying UN, lying media, obami, personal, politics, racist, skank, taqiyah, taxes |

Rudy had the balls to call Obama out.

obama love thyself

Jack thinks that Obama does love. He loves the America he can create. He hates the America we have. This has been well documented. Hope and Change … you got to love it. If not Obama has attacked with the full force of (IRS, DOJ, EPA … etc) and any other tool he can use of the American government that he hates and wants to change.

But most of all Obama loves himself.

And how has Obama done this? Well … the democratic party and democratic voters say go ahead. We don’t care what the courts and other checks on your power are … do it!

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 26% of Likely U.S. Voters think the president should have the right to ignore federal court rulings if they are standing in the way of actions he feels are important for the country…

But perhaps more unsettling to supporters of constitutional checks and balances is the finding that 43% of Democrats believe the president should have the right to ignore the courts. Only 35% of voters in President Obama’s party disagree, compared to 81% of Republicans and 67% of voters not affiliated with either major party…

[W]hile 72% of GOP voters and 63% of unaffiliateds believe it is more important to preserve our constitutional system of checks and balances than for the federal government to operate efficiently, Democrats are evenly divided…

Women and younger voters feel more strongly than men and those 40 and older that the president should have the right to ignore federal court rulings. Black voters believe that more than whites and other minority voters do.

Last but most important you have the fluffer’s. Come on you educated liberals know the fluffer’s job? The movie couldn’t be made with out them. You will never see them above the fold. Only on page F7 of the paper to be able to say, HEY we covered that in case someone with balls like Rudy calls them out!


This Brian Williams thing is …

Ξ February 10th, 2015 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, MSM, climate change, corruption, demwits, lying UN, lying media, obami, personal, politics, skank, taqiyah |

… as much about the media in general. Brian Williams is just the spark that has ignited the disdain for the MSM! MSM is sick. Sick dogs that don’t report the news anymore. They distort, exaggerate, ignore and yes when all else fails just flat out lies.

Kinda like the man in the White House.

In 2004, he said: “What I believe, in my faith, is that a man and a woman, when they get married, are performing something before God, and it’s not simply the two persons who are meeting.” He repeated that claim during the 2008 presidential campaign and beyond, citing his understanding of “traditional definitions of marriage.” Those assurances came after Obama had initially backed gay marriage in 1996.

“Obama Misled Nation” is almost a perennial headline–it applies to nearly everything the president does. Yet it is important to be clear about the nature of this particular lie.

Obama did not just pretend not to hold a controversial position. He pretended to hold that view as a matter of his Christian faith. He lied about his most sincere religious convictions–and much of his senior staff lied along with him.

When Obama lies he just “misled.” No he lied and so does our MSM. They do it all the time and with little to no repercussions. So they keep on lying … why not!


Remember when Obama said …

Ξ October 26th, 2014 | → 0 Comments | ∇ MSM, climate change, corruption, demwits, economy, idiot, obami, personal, politics, skank, taxes |

… YOU didn’t build that business? Well Hillary Clinton is taking it up a notch.

Not only did YOU not create that business, YOU didn’t create any jobs!

It worked for Obama. We’ll have to wait and see if it works for Hillary. Obama and Hillary think jobs grow on the government tree.


Cool video per Powerline.

Ξ October 17th, 2013 | → Comments Off | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, climate change, corruption, demwits, economy, lying UN, lying media, obami, personal, politics, taxes, work |

We all know it’s just a spoof but come on can’t you see it … really!

Jack is checking on insurance now per his retirement soon. Looks like his premiums will more than double and deductibles will quadruple … to get the same coverage … IF he can actually sign up!

Now with the terrible debacle of the “Affordable Care Act” rolling out Obama will have to blame someone and soon. Jack is even thinking Obama may even disown Obamacare … but who will he blame?

Go here and you can get the prices for yourself.

Jack doubts the public is supposed to be able to see this … and Jacks no hacker. This is another fck up among all the other fck ups with this rollout of “Affordable Care Act.” Go check it out and see how affordable this is … HA HA! This is the part Obama did not want you to see and run for the hills.


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