Les bon ton roulet

Ξ December 18th, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ economy, personal, play, politics, work |

Let the good times roll

Jack ... you make me SO mad ... you!

The places where people are most likely to report happiness also tend to rate high on studies comparing things like climate, crime rates, air quality and schools.

You can think that if you want but Jack knows for a fact that Louisiana coonasses are happy because they don’t really give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.

Givem a good bowl of gumbo, dance on Friday night, day at the track on Saturday … and they rest on Sunday!


Obama “orders” world to act!

Ξ December 18th, 2009 | → 0 Comments | ∇ MSM, demwits, duh, economy, idiot, loser, lying UN, lying media, obami, politics |

World gets up and walks out.