Oh my … it was a honey trap!

Ξ April 2nd, 2012 | → 0 Comments | ∇ MSM, duh, mo, obami, oh shit, personal, politics, skank |

We were becoming very concerned

dripping with honey

The fear that Chapman would compromise a senior US official in a “honey trap” was a key reason for the arrest and deportation of the Russian spy ring of 10 people, of which she was a part, in 2010. “We were becoming very concerned,” he says. “They were getting close enough to a sitting US cabinet member that we thought we could no longer allow this to continue.” Mr Figliuzzi refuses to name the individual who was being targeted.

Yep that honey could get extremely sticky … for Jack or Jill!

Obama’s friggin adminstration takes our tax $$$$$$$$$ and sqauders it like they print the stuff!

And the worst offender is Mooch herself.


Obama: He speaks with forked tongue!

Ξ April 2nd, 2012 | → 0 Comments | ∇ MSM, corruption, demwits, economy, idiot, loser, lying media, obami, personal, politics, work |

Obamas all of the above policy.

“If someone wants to build a new coal-fired power plant they can, but it will bankrupt them because they will be charged a huge sum for all the greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”

-Candidate Barack Obama, 2008.

Coal must not be in that “ALL of the above energy policy.”

If you pay an electric bill … it just went up!