We are all Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller …

Ξ June 27th, 2013 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, Islam, MSM, demwits, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lying UN, mo, obami, personal, politics, religion, taqiyah |

… if you dare say what the Quran actually says!

Theresa May and Britain has surrendered to Islam

Why does Jack say that? Listen and learn.

If you feel Islam is religion of peace please read the Quran, hadith and sunna. Find out for yourself. Do not take anyones word for it. Not Robert Spencers, Pamela Gellers, Jack’s or any muslims word for it. Jack has asked many muslims where to get info about Islam. Not once have they said “read the Quran, hadith and sunna.” Do you find that strange? Don’t read the holy books that Islam is based on.

Go sign this petition.

This issue is much larger than Islam. If you disagree with any controversial issue you must be silenced. If you disagree with Islam, homosexuality, global warming, immigration, gun control, high taxes, etc etc … you are a BAD PERSON! It’s not good enough to be simply tolerant of things you disagree with … YOU MUST EMBRACE THEM!

That is the real issue in todays fucked up world.