Why Jack thinks Trump has a chance to win.

Ξ August 6th, 2016 | → 0 Comments | ∇ 2016 elections, DOJ: Eric Holder, Hillary lies, MSM, climate change, corruption, demwits, economy, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lies, lying UN, lying media, obami, politics, skank, taqiyah |

A huge portion of the US electorate is sick and tired of our politicians lying to us. Jack is sure that more than enough is sick of this lying shit but Trump has to get them to the pols and vote.

Now but you say ALL politicians lie! To a certain extent that is true. What has become apparent in the Democratic party is they don’t even care if you know they are lying … they just keep repeating the lie.

This is the old notion that if you say it enough and keep lying a portion of the electorate will believe the lie. Take in point the Clinton email lies. Hillary Clinton continues to lie about the email scandal and a portion of the Demcratic electorate believes her. The rest of the Democrats don’t believe her but still support her because in their mind a lying Democrat in office is still better than any republican.

Hillary said she got short circuited when asked about her email scandal lying. What the fuck does that even mean? She says she din’t lie to the Benghazi family’s. The family’s say she is lying. Who do you believe?

Obamas latest lie is about not paying ransom for hostages. The Iranians say he is lying. Obama says the economy is doing great. The numbers say he is lying. Then he says Israel loves the Iran nuke deal now … another lie. Israel says your lying through your teeth Obama! Again … who do you believe?

Now the media ABC, NBC, CBS ,CNN, MSNBC, NPR, New York Times, Washington Post and many more will continue to lie for Hillary and Obama mostly with the lie of omission. They just won’t cover the story or give the story five seconds (and hope no one sees it), or a few words on the back pages ( and hope no one reads it) to have plausible deniability in able to say … WE covered the story! Walter Cronkite is rolling over in his grave.

And this is why Jack thinks Trump has a chance to win. To steal a Trump saying … A “HUGGGGE” portion of the US electorate is sick of the lying and good or bad only wants to be told the truth.

Jack is not sure what Trump will bring to the table but he knows what Hillary Clinton will bring to the table … MORE LIES! And lots of them … don’t even get Jack started on the Clinton Foundation Slush Fund.