How do you know when leftist MSM is …

Ξ March 22nd, 2020 | → Comments Off | ∇ 2020 elections, MSM, corruption, demwits, economy, lying UN, lying media, personal, politics, racist |

… full of shit?

When you can predict there coverage of Donald Trump before they even report what he’s said or done. The minute Trump banned flights from China ALL of the left media went into overdrive 24/7 to call him racist, xenophobic and every other nasty name in the book.

Fast forward to a month later the same leftist MSM are crying lack of leadership for not doing exactly what he did SOONER!

Now for it seems like months of a steady drumbeat 24/7 of NO leadership from the White House. Well that didn’t work and now Trumps approval of how he’s handled this Chinese (yes it came from China not Tim buck too … but you can’t call it that) is on the rise the same leftest cock suckers are saying to not cover the daily WH briefings. It’s showing leadership right from the top. Can’t have that! This is how vile the media has treated Trump since day one of his presidency. The media just soon people die, economy crash whatever it takes to take him out come November elections.

Later on when this whole mess whines down the same cock suckers will be saying he did to much and crashed the economy, people lost their jobs, got put on the street homeless and God knows what else. Jack has a $100 bill if some leftist would like to take his bet on that happening and he’ll give 2 to 1 odds. Any takers?

To those democrats on the left that cheer this crap on … your panties are showing and they are full of shit!


Finally Jack and Mrs Jack got sick as a dog for 10 days or so in January with the exact symptoms of Covid19 (can’t say chinese flu) and we both have all kind of health problems … but we both survived.