The first shoe drops …

Ξ May 7th, 2020 | → 0 Comments | ∇ 2016 elections, 2020 elections, DOJ: Eric Holder, Donald Trump, Hillary lies, MSM, celebrities, corruption, demwits, lies, lying UN, lying media, obami, politics, skank |

… in the coup d’état by democrats to remove a duly elected US president.

Now the DOJ needs to Prosecute these democrats or anyone that was involved with this travesty of justice. Richard Nixon hired a bunch of thugs to spy on his political opponent and was run out of office. All the accomplishes were charged and most were convicted.

tricky dick

Barack Obama and his administration didn’t hire anyone. They used tax payer funded FBI, DOJ, CIA and many more to attempt their coup d’état.


Let Obama have his day in court.

President Barack Obama is at the center of all of this. Indeed, Obama oversaw it all, from the start.

The investigation of Flynn. The surveillance of Carter Page and George Papadopolous. The Steele Dossier infection of the FISA courts. The Kangaroo Court hearings. The Special Counsel investigation built on known fictions.

None of it happens without Obama.

Give your good buddy Eric Holder a call. You may need him and he may do some pro bono work for you! Or maybe let Michelle or Hillary defend you. Let the chips fall where they may!