Jack challenges Main Stream Media.

Ξ June 3rd, 2020 | → 0 Comments | ∇ 2020 elections, Hillary lies, Joe Biden, MSM, corruption, demwits, economy, lies, loser, lying media, politics, racist, skank, taqiyah |

Is this protesters, looters or rioters?


Jack says looters.
CNN says that must have been earthquake!
Answer looters in Philly.


Jack says looters.
NYT says that women was exchanging her shoes that did not fit.
Answer looters in New York.


This one tough-fer … but Jack going with looters.
MSNBC says couple doing their shopping and they need to clean that floor up before someone gets hurt!
Answer looters at Target in Chicago.


Jacks going with rioters because the place is burning down nothing to loot!
NYT … must have been a short in the wiring!

Jack 4 … MSN 0 but you get the point. For MSN there are no looters or rioters. Just poor people with grievances.



Jack says just a poor girl trying to cool off on hot summer day.
MSN income inequality. Women of color can’t even afford cloths!