SILENCE the RIGHT is the flavor of the day.

Ξ January 10th, 2021 | → 0 Comments | ∇ 2020 elections, Donald Trump, Hillary lies, Joe Biden, MSM, antifa, blm, celebrities, corruption, demwits, lying media, politics |

With Alarming Speed the Media and Tech Corporations Fully Embraced the Concept of Censorship>

Instead, we have seen a squelching of voices, and calls for even more insidious action to be taken, all of it justified by the wildest of accusations. What is not addressed in all of the furor is that the various claims behind these responses is leading to the appearance of those very accusations, but on the other side. Think of this; for all of the claims that Trump has been a dictator it has been amazingly easy for him to be silenced, and in very short order. Here is a list of just some of the actions we have seen, and the truth behind them.

For all of the claims that Trump is a tyrannical maniac, he has seen his various social media accounts dismantled in a very swift fashion. What is revealing — the silencing of opposition voices is the very method carried out by tyrants.
One common practice of dictators — be they of the tinpot or tinhorn variety — is that they silence the outlets of political opposition. We have commonly seen third world autocrats shutting down newspapers and pulling the plug on television networks. Interesting then who is proposing broad steps in this very direction. CNN’s Oliver Darcy is currently forwarding the idea that cable providers be forced to stop offering FoxNews, One America News Network, and NewsMax on their channel packages.
Independent journalists becoming targeted and silenced has been a common practice by political forces. Pretty dire then to see a journalist from Yahoo News – Alexander Nazaryan — promoting a blacklist of other journalists…all who happen to be conservatives.
At times when there have been uprisings, draconian leaders have made efforts to dismantle the communication channels of the insurgents. Using the very same methods, tech companies used the charge of fostering violent voices to justify targeting the social media site Parler. In one day Amazon, Apple, and Google colluded to deplatform in a coordinated fashion.