NYT reports no gas shortage?

Ξ May 12th, 2021 | → 0 Comments | ∇ 2022 elections, Joe Biden, MSM, climate change, demwits, economy, lies, loser, lying media, politics, skank, work |

NYT reports no gas shortage?

From the NYT story …

Since the pipeline shutdown, there have been no long lines at gasoline stations, and because many traders expected the interruption to be brief, the market reaction was muted. Nationwide, the price of regular gasoline climbed by only half a cent to $2.97 on Monday from Sunday, even though the company could not set a timetable for restarting the pipeline. New York State prices remained stable at $3 a gallon, according to the AAA motor club.

“Potentially it will be inconvenient,” said Ed Hirs, an energy economist at the University of Houston. “But it’s not a big deal because there is storage in the Northeast and all the big oil and gas companies can redirect seaborne cargoes of refined product when it is required.”

The problem with this? We can see all the videos of the long lines at the various gas stations around the East Coast, with some stations going dry and posting “out of gas signs,” as my colleague Jennifer Oliver O’Connell reported. We can also see the stories of the prices going up. Do they actually have any real reporters at the New York Times or are they just so invested in protecting Joe Biden and not covering anything negative that facts have no meaning for them?

This is just one of the many …

So who you gona believe … NYT or your lying eyes? Jack is going to believe his lying eyes!

But don’t you worry!

The White House said it was monitoring the gas shortages in the Southeast.
we got this under control