Jack fact checks Facebooks fact checkers!

Ξ July 14th, 2021 | → 0 Comments | ∇ 2022 elections, Hillary lies, Joe Biden, MSM, celebrities, climate change, demwits, economy, facebook, lies, lying UN, lying media, obami, politics |


This is a picture of a Electric car charging station that are popping up everywhere. Here’s an interesting fact…. That 350kw generator uses 12 gallons of diesel fuel per hour, and it takes 3 hours to fully charge a car to get 200 miles. That’s 36 GALLONS for 200 MILES!!! 5.6 mpg.

Facebook says the car does not get 5.6 mpg. Well it doesn’t but if you figure in the “diesel fuel/fossil fuel” to the equation it does get 5.6 mpg.

So jack gives Facebook fact checkers a ” mostly false fact check.” Facebook say they shouldn’t be regulated. Jack says Facebook shouldn’t lie their ass off like the media and they wouldn’t be threatened with government regulation.

one more thing