Jack says …

Ξ August 6th, 2021 | → 0 Comments | ∇ 2022 elections, 2024 elections, Black lives matter, CRT, DOJ, Joe Biden, MSM, SJW, antifa, blm, climate change, demwits, economy, idiot, loser, lying media, obami, politics, racist, skank |

this bitch (Cori Bush) can go to hell.

cori bush

“I’m going to make sure I have security because I know. I have had attempts on my life and I have too much work to do there, too many people that need help right now for me to allow that. So, if I end up spending $200,000, if I spend 10 more dollars on it — you know what? I get to be here to do the work. So suck it up and defunding the police has to happen, we need to defund the police and put that money into social safety nets.”

So there you have it. Her life matters but suck it up for the rest of us … black, white, brown all of us.