Jack and the Hijabi at HEB … update!

Ξ December 6th, 2008 | → | ∇ demwits, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lying media, mo, oh shit, personal, politics, religion |

Update: 12-6-08

Jack saw our hijabi friend in HEB yesterday. He winked at her. She popped him the rod. Jack thinks she likes him :)

Original Post

Jacks first experience “in person” with hijabi was a pleasant one. She was nice and did not take any questions or comments as a threat.

Yesterday was not as pleasant but was rather interesting.

Jack went into HEB grocery store to pick up a few items and noticed a woman wearing hijab. She obviously stood out in the crowd and for more reasons than one. As luck would have it Jack ended up behind her at the check out. The conversation went like this.

Jack: nice scarf
Hijab: ***cut a look that could kill ***
Jack and check out lady: giggles
Hijab: you think it’s funny? I’m a muslim and it’s not a scarf. My religion requires I wear this for modesty.
Jack: I’m an infidel and quoted her Quran 8:59 and then told her he still thinks the LEOPARD skin print scarf looks cool oh and very modest!
Hijab: pfttttttttt … am I going to have to call the manager for harassing me.
Jack: You can call the manager, police or ghostbusters if you’d like. What are you going to tell them?

And a little more info.

This woman stepped out to her late model Caddy with her 4 rugrats in tow after paying for her groceries with a Texas food stamp card.

Yep Jack is a raciast MF for not wanting to CONTINUE to provide for this woman … for generations to come!


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