Jack tagged a racist by a racist!

Ξ September 3rd, 2009 | → | ∇ corruption, demwits, economy, loser, lying media, obami, oh shit, personal, politics, work |

Jack went down to get some lunch today. On his way back up a black man tried to follow him onto his work floor. You can’t get on Jack’s floor without special permission. When Jack realized the man had a tag on him that said 7th floor he told him he’s not allowed on this floor. The man was going to IRS for who knows what. None of Jacks business really. Jack understands he was not in good mood. Who is in a good mood when having to visit IRS!

Upshot: when Jack said he wasn’t allowed the BLACK man said and Jack quotes “oh black men can’t go on YOUR floor”? Jack said nope, only people with proper authorization can get on this floor and that you don’t have. That’s when the black man turned and Jack quotes “fuckin cracker”. Jack then asked him and Jack quotes “do I need to call security?

See it happens more than people think. You know racist MF’s playing the race card.

Shesssh where’s Eric Holder or Obami when you need them? They would probably just call Jack stupid and say it was his own fault. He should have been more sensitive to the man because of his IRS problems … oh and yea being black.

Does this story sound familiar?

The race card is palyed at every opportunity.

And btw remember this mans name … Van Jones. You will be hearing it in the future.


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