The joke flying around the world TODAY!

Ξ September 11th, 2009 | → | ∇ Islam, demwits, duh, idiot, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, loser, lying UN, lying media, mo, obami, personal, politics, religion |

Yes today on September 11. Around the world Obama has the US embassies asking, no begging the Islamic world for suggestions on how to spend the day. Unfortunately most Islamic nations won’t be having any “interfaith” sessions on September 11 because of Ramadan sensitivities. Even in “non muslim nations” they will not have an interfaith day because of muslim sentivities. Can’t piss the muslims off! Ironically though most Islamic nations will be celebrating the death of 3000 killed on September 11, 2001 by their muslim brothers. They do every year. No reason to believe they won’t this year.

Here’s Jack’s suggestion for Obama’s interfaith day. Grab your Quran Obama and lets read it. Let also read the hadiths. Let’s also read the sunna. Let’s do this … please?

Yes let’s read about the faith that inspired these individuals to commit such an act. See if we can get an insight on why these muslims would do something like that. Why muslims can kill infidels like Jack. Jack knows … when will you learn why or maybe you already know. While we’re at it Obama let’s read this book also.

. .

You might actually learn something about Islam and muslims.

Or you can lie some more like you did last night. It’s up to you champ.

Hey or even better lets make September 11 something else altogether, like worship some program OBAMA came up with, so we can act like it never happened! Yea let’s call it “National Day of Service“. Put Acorn in charge of all the details for that day of service. If the public balks on YOUR day of service you can order Arcorn to “get in their face” as you did in the 08 campaign … right Pimp Daddy.

This whole thing is a slap in the face by our own President … sickining really for the average Americans and absolutely embarrassing to the ones that voted for this person.


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