Jack fits the mold!

Ξ April 16th, 2009 | → | ∇ corruption, demwits, duh, economy, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lying UN, lying media, mo, oh shit, personal, politics, religion |

Of a Right Wing Extremist! Sure he does. He hates taxes. Hell let Jack just cover it all with one statement. He hates almost everything our new president has done so far and almost all he says that he will do in the coming years.

Didn't the left say ... dissent is patriotic ... yes they did!

Jack went to his local “Tea Party” at local post office. He didn’t stay but just a moment. A small show of support. He hopes his picture will not be on the wall in that post office in the future but who knows according to Janet Napolitano the recent DHS reportJack is a dangerous MAN! LOL

Since all this started Janet Napolitano has apologized to the veterans that have fought for her freedoms but she hasn’t JACK … BITCH! The vets and Jack would say … we do not accept your empty apology but will accept your resignation … again BITCH!

Here Janet … Kiss Jacks Ass get all in it! Don’t watch these people … watch Jack!


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