Eric Holder: alas the smoking gun!

Ξ June 30th, 2012 | → | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, MSM, corruption, demwits, idiot, loser, lying media, music, obami, oh shit, personal, politics, racist, taqiyah |

Fast and Furious: GOP says wiretaps revealed Gunwalking early on

pick yourself out of this one

“Contrary to the Attorney General’s statements, the enclosed wiretap affidavit contains clear information that agents were willfully allowing known straw buyers to acquire firearms for drug cartels and failing to interdict them-in some cases even allowing them to walk to Mexico. In particular, the affidavit explicitly describes the most controversial tactic of all: abandoning surveillance of known straw purchasers, resulting in the failure to interdict firearms,” says Issa.

Congress has him by the short hairs now. All congress has to do now is squeeze till he talks.

American Dream


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