The more the voters see Carly Fiorina’s face …

Ξ September 20th, 2015 | → | ∇ 2016 elections, Hillary lies, MSM, demwits, lying media, obami, politics |

the more the voters like Carly Fiorina’s face.

that face of a leader

And in New Hampshire

Here are the poll’s findings:

1. Carly Fiorina (22%)

2. Donald Trump (18%)

3. Ben Carson (10%)

4. John Kasich (9%)

4. Jeb Bush (9%)

6. Marco Rubio (7%)

7. Ted Cruz (6%)

7. Chris Christie (6%)

9. Rand Paul (3%)

10. Scott Walker (2%)

10. Mike Huckabee (2%)

Yep she can run with the big boys and win.

And about that Trump not setting some guy straight. Obama has been doing the same shit for almost seven years. Fck Obama, the media and all his cronies crying in their beer.


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