How do you know there is HUGE scandal …

Ξ May 13th, 2020 | → | ∇ 2016 elections, 2020 elections, DOJ: Eric Holder, Donald Trump, Hillary lies, MSM, corruption, demwits, lies, lying UN, lying media, obami, politics, skank, taqiyah |

that involves DEMOCRATS?

When the MSM goes silent. Yes the biggest scandal since Watergate is being revealed day by day at this time. Not a peep from MSM aka CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post … all the other left wing media. They are thanking their lucky stars for covid19 and not being forced to report the biggest political scandal since Watergate. Obama and all his minions are in the hot seat and they know it! MSM will stay away from the story as long as they can.

Jack remembers when Barak Obama told the Republicans … elections have consequences! That’s the only truthful statement to come out of his mouth. Consequences are now coming due for him and all the rest of his minions treasonous crap.

But if MSM just can not ignore Obamagate they do this.

EDIT EDIT EDIT … till the story is totally false!

UPDATE: Jack watched the news yesterday and he was spot on!
ABC … nothing nada zilch!
NBC … nothing nada zilch!
CBS … ahhhh a 5 second mention of unmasking and what did they say? No biggie. This happens a 1000 times a day.

Wait this happens a 1000 times a day to spy on a political opponent and it’s … NO BIGGIE! Yep that was CBS take on the scandal!

Flynns lawyer is not having any of this crap about … NO BIGGIE!


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