Experts … Experts … Experts … Everywhere!

Ξ May 23rd, 2020 | → | ∇ 2020 elections, Hillary lies, Joe Biden, MSM, Obamagate, WHO, Wuhan virus, celebrities, climate change, corruption, demwits, idiot, lies, lying media, oh shit, personal, politics |


Have you noticed that everyone has become an expert? Have you noticed how many times an “expert” says one thing and then the next week says just the opposite! Lets take a look at some “experts.”

WHO (World Health Organization). They started with NO human to human transmission, no reason to stop international flight/travel and have evolved to world wide lock down. They got their info from China. Now this is one of the “experts” that we actually PAY! WHO got everything wrong. Wear a mask, don’t wear a mask … they just can’t make up their mind. Trump says no more money for WHO. Jack says good riddance. US does not need to pay for a “political” organization that align with countries that wish to do US harm.

Lets look at Dr Fauci. Jack thinks this man means well but if you look back on everything he has said he got a lot of it wrong and he is “THE EXPERT.” Just this week he came out saying prolonged shutdown will do irreparable damage. Just last week he warned about opening up for business could be devastating. Wear a mask, don’t wear a mask … he just can’t make up his mind, This is the major problem with being an expert. They never can say … I JUST DON’T KNOW.

Now lets look at the media. CNN put together an all star panel.

Two former Obama political hacks, CNN expert Dr. Sanjay Gupta (which at least is a Dr.) and Greta Thunberg which has no knowledge of anything but political activism and really very little of that. Finally hosted by Anderson Cooper which is only an expert in homo sexuality if even that. These are CNN’s “EXPERTS” that are telling us what to do.

Here is what Jack has seen that is constant among most experts. Find out what Trump says and say the opposite but then Trump is no expert like these guys and dolls.

Jack is an expert in calling out stupid experts. That’s all he is good at.


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