Would the Dems have cared?

Ξ May 19th, 2009 | → | ∇ corruption, demwits, duh, economy, lying UN, lying media, music, personal, politics |

Sure they would have cared! They would have cared so much that if the Republicans had won the election they would have jumped off a cliff! So please Acorn do whatever it takes to help Obama WIN at any cost. Lie, steal, cheat and even break the law if that’s what it takes to get Obama elected. The NYT’s and the rest of the MSM cared TOO! Don’t dare report anything that is negative to Obama’s campaign … NOTHING!

We all care but Jack has to admit. The Dems and MSM cared much more in the 08 election to get Obama elected. Care so much as to lie and decieve the American electorate so the facts were not known. Remember the words of Martin Luther King’s famous speech … dream that someday we would judge a man by the content of his character, not the color of his skin?

Everyday we learn more and more about our new presidents “character” and Jack doesn’t like what he is seeing. Jack cares and you should too! His fear is that the Democrats and MSM will care so much in the 2012 elections that Obama will be elected again.


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  1. on May 19th, 2009 at 5:46 am

    [...] Original post:  Would the Dems have cared? [...]

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