In California strip clubs OK …

Ξ November 20th, 2020 | → | ∇ 2020 elections, Joe Biden, Wuhan virus, lying media, play, politics, religion, work |

churches not so much.


The court found that the entertainment at the two strip clubs involved in the case is “constitutionally protected speech” and concluded that “the harm to [the strip clubs] if the Application is denied is greater than the harm to [the government] if the Application is granted.”

Jack understands these poor girls are just trying to make a living. You know pay their college tuition ect. Now he must demand that they wear mask, wash hands after every lap dance and social distance 6 feet. That 6 feet thingy might be a problem.

Now the court has ruled this a free speech issue. All the strip clubs that Jack has been to he didn’t witness much speech at all. The music is so loud can’t really hold any kind of conversation.


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