Dr. Fauci Explodes on Rand Paul

Ξ July 20th, 2021 | → | ∇ 2020 elections, Donald Trump, Hillary lies, Joe Biden, MSM, Wuhan virus, celebrities, corruption, demwits, economy, loser, lying media, personal, politics |

When a scientist lies

Dr Fauci lies

Now, Fauci’s excuse is not to deny that the funding happened (something he did originally because he’s a liar), but rather, to claim that the funding did not go toward manipulating the specific viruses that could have led to COVID. In the video, he keeps yelling about the “literature” from the studies proving that the viruses manipulated could not have developed into the coronavirus.

There are two issues with that. One, money is fungible. Even if what Fauci is saying is true, the NIH sent money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to help pay their bills. That is an undeniable fact. Fauci’s argument is a lot like those that claim government funding to Planned Parenthood doesn’t go toward abortions because it’s supposed to go towards rent instead. Of course, it does go toward abortions because money is fungible. If you give money to someone to pay for something in one area, that frees up money to be spent in another area. Also, the simple fact that we were sending these people money at all, no matter where it went, is bad enough, and Fauci should be excoriated for that alone.

Dr Fauci turned out to be a true politician!

First he lies NO funding at all. Then when confronted with the facts he moves the goal post and said NO funding for this virus stuff!

Well you decide.


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