Mueller … Mueller … Mueller!

Ξ April 19th, 2019 | → Comments Off | ∇ 2020 elections, Donald Trump, Hillary lies, MSM, corruption, demwits, lies, loser, lying media, oh shit, politics, skank |

Now that the full report is out CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, NPR (which is funded by the federal government) and every other liberal news organization be it on TV, online or anywhere is screaming the same thing.

These are just a few of the liberal culprits
These are just a few of the many

Ok Ok Ok NO collusion, NO obstruction of justice, NO crimes whatsoever BUT BUT BUT don’t you hate this President for who he is … we DO … and you should also! He did so many bad things! Donald Trump is a terrible president! Donald Trump is a terrible person! That is the main thing that this Mueller report says in spades … so the public should hate Donald Trump!

Well that is not the case. The American public (or at least more than half of the American public) has come to hate CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC and every other liberal news organization for who they are.

This is what the public thought of the MSM & social media … JUNE 20, 2018 .

Overall, U.S. adults estimate that 62% of the news they read in newspapers, see on television or hear on the radio is biased. They think the news media mostly provide accurate information, but still estimate that 44% of what they see is inaccurate. And they believe that more than a third of the news they see in these channels is misinformation — false or inaccurate information that is presented as if it were true.

Americans are even more critical of the news they see on social media. They believe 80% of it is biased, 64% is inaccurate and 65% is misinformation.

Jack is betting those numbers are far worse today now that the Mueller report is public. Please Gallup do a pole today!

Now Jack can hear the liberals screaming BUT BUT BUT what about FOX! Yes there is one cable station that is pro Trump … ONE! That’s like a few men and women riding a Vespas getting jumped on by …

Hells Angels!

Hells Angels