How can you tell when someone is lying?

Ξ April 20th, 2019 | → Comments Off | ∇ 2020 elections, Donald Trump, MSM, corruption, demwits, lies, loser, oh shit, politics |

give up the evidence

Adam Schiff has stated repeated on CNN, MSNBC ABC, NBC, CBS and numerous other media platforms he has “undisputed proof” Donald Trump is guilty of all the things that Mueller report has investigated and cleared Donald Trump of all charges. When someone has “undisputed proof” that will remove a sitting president from office and refuse to give it up … they are lying their ass off! Also when these MSM organizations refuse to press him to give up that information and allow him to ramble on using there platform to lie they are colluding with that lie!

That’s how you can tell that there is “undisputed proof” that the man is lying and the platform allowing him to spread this lie with no push back to provide this “undisputed proof” is colluding with this lying SOB. But lets be fair Adam Schiff is far from the only one that has done this. Many have and Jack wants every one of them to come clean or pay the consequences.