What pisses YOU off?

Ξ August 7th, 2009 | → | ∇ corruption, demwits, duh, economy, personal, politics, work |

 Update: When old people get pissed!

AARP just walked out … couldn’t takethe heat LOL

Jacks day started off GREAT! He ran some errands that he usually dislikes with a smile and a hitch in his step. Not long after coming home … he flipped on the TV and fired up the laptop. My god people are getting pissed. The American public is finally starting to wake up to what Obamis REAL policies are about!

The healthcare deal, cash for clunkers deal and all the government bailouts that has gone down lately … to spread the wealth around. Jack bought a home he could afford. Buys vehicles he can afford (and drives them 10+ years). Doesn’t run up credit card debt. You get the idea … he lives within his means. Now all of this doesn’t piss Jack off. He thinks we all should live within our means. He thinks the government should TOO!

My God now the man actually has called for his loyal followers to “snitch” on anyone that opposses his policies. The White House email servers should go down soon. Jack smells ALOT “fishy”.

This is what pisses Jack off. He and others like him that have lived within their means are soon going to have to pay for all those that refused to if more of Obamis policies are inacted. Not the people that didn’t. Hell they don’t have any money … remember. Now Obamis cronies have let the cat out of the bag … about taxes also. Higher taxes for the average Joe Q Public that pay the bulk of taxes already will be forth coming. Jack and people like Jack will be hit hard to pay for those that didn’t live within their means and Obamis fantasy fiscal world.

And that is Obamis whole fiscal policy … take from the ones that were responsible and give to those that were not. Now that the public is waking to this … they are getting pissed. Dems have labeled them angry mobs. Jack is calling them informed voters and nothing scares Dems more than an informed voter.

At least he enjoyed half his day. He hopes to enjoy at least half of tomorrow.

So what pisses YOU off?


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