Barney don’t surf …

Ξ August 6th, 2009 | → | ∇ corruption, demwits, duh, economy, islamophuqnuts, jihadi fucks, lying UN, lying media, mo, politics, religion, work |

… but he does cruise!

What are the elected officials doing on the paid vacations? Barney and his “life partner” is heading to California to catch some waves … dude! Now Barney doesn’t surf but Jack has no doubt he’ll lay on the beach … bottoms up.

Nice toosh!

This is the same Barney Frank that assured us Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac were sound. Then the government took them over. Since then it’s been ALL down hill under Barney Franks watch … and like a nightmare it just gets worse.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are linchpins of President Barack Obama’s housing rescue program, which aims to refinance or modify existing loans for up to 9 million Americans. But these commitments come at a cost, in part since the companies must pull the troubled loans from mortgage securities and recognize a loss.

As a result of housing mandates, dividend payments, downbeat expectations on housing and the economy “there is significant uncertainty as to our long-term financial sustainability,” Fannie Mae said in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are operating under the government conservatorship until lawmakers decide on how to reform the congressionally chartered companies in a way that will both provide strong support for housing and protect taxpayers from future losses. The Obama administration in July said it would propose a resolution in February.

Yeaaaaa … let’s let the government dole out our healthcare now. They do such a great job at these things!

OMG now you must think Jack is a homophobe and islamophobe. Truth is if Barney Frank lived in an Islamic country he’d be put to death as Sharia law clearly calls for the death penalty for perfoming homosexual acts (actually Mohammad said toss them off a cliff) … well unless he was the leader of that country.

Come 2010 and 2012 … let’s toss these bums off a cliff (ballot box)! OMG is this “fishy” speech?

Homophobe naaa … islamophobe naaa … Jack just calls em as he sees um.

Just for fun … Charlie don’t surf


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