How shitty is Eric Holder … DOJ?

Ξ June 3rd, 2012 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, MSM, corruption, demwits, idiot, obami, oh shit, politics, racist, skank |

Holder to Florida: Stop checking records for illegal voters

yea put your hands up muther fcker

On Friday, Attorney General Eric Holder and the U.S. Justice Department demanded that the State of Florida — considered a vital electoral state — to stop checking voter records in that state’s probe of illegal voter registrations.

Meanwhile, in a letter to a top state official, T. Christian Herren Jr. of the Justice Department’s Voting Section, said “the effort appeared to violate the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which protects minorities.”

In the letter to Florida’s Secretary of State Ken Detzner, who is in charge of elections, Herren claimed searching for illegal voters “seemed to violate the 1993 National Voter Registration Act” and its rules for maintaining “accurate and current” voter registration lists “in a uniform and non-discriminatory manner.”

However, critics of Holder and his underlings at DOJ believe this is another scheme to allow illegal immigrants, convicted felons and out-of-state residents to vote in Florida which has been a battleground state that can determine a winner by a mere few hundred votes.

“Holder, Herren and their boss [President Barack] Obama have shown absolutely no proof of discrimination. If they’re so worried about the integrity of voters rights, why didnt they go after the New Black Panther Party who actually interfered with voters rights?” asked political strategist Michael Baker.

You cannot remove from your voter rolls felons, illegal aliens, dead people (you know people that are not supposed to be able to vote by law)! Obama needs those votes!
That’s how shitty Eric Holder, DOJ and Obama … it be smelly up in the DOJ.


How shitty is the economy …?

Ξ June 3rd, 2012 | → 0 Comments | ∇ DOJ: Eric Holder, MSM, corruption, demwits, duh, economy, loser, lying UN, lying media, obami, oh shit, personal, politics, work |

it is worst than you thought.

full of shit economy

The tight U.S. economy has turned even essential goods into luxuries. Now consumer-goods companies are seeing something they thought would never come to pass: Parents are buying fewer diapers.

Spending on children has traditionally held steady in times of recession, including the most recent one, with parents sacrificing other items rather than scrimping on their children’s hygiene or happiness.

But as the economy continues to sputter, recent data show diaper sales are slowing and sales of diaper-rash ointment are rising.

And what are the MSM pushing. Same thing Jack is pushing. ABO (anything but Obama) Thing is ABO for MSM is saying it’s anything but Obama’s fault. Jack is saying he’ll take anybody but Obama come November elections.

Those damn constraints. (code for republicans)
Europe is bringing US down.
Even China.

Jack is thinking … is this rash ointment covered in Obamacare?


More Do as I say … Not as I Do!

Ξ June 3rd, 2012 | → 0 Comments | ∇ MSM, corruption, demwits, duh, economy, idiot, loser, lying UN, lying media, obami, oh shit, personal, politics, racist, work |

What do all these women legislators have in common?

democratic friggin do as I say not as I do

Well they are ALL women. They are ALL democrats. They are ALL sponsers of a bill that would make law … equal pay for women.

But here is the rubthey ALL pay their female staff less than their male staff.(some FAR less)

“Of the five senators who participated in Wednesday’s press conference—Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., Patty Murray, D-Wash, Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich, Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Barbara Boxer, D-Calif. —three pay their female staff members significantly less than male staffers,” WFB said.

Now Jack has no objection with paying females on par with male workers. But this is a case of … Do as I Say … NOT as I do because these women COULD pay their female staff equally with their male staff. THEY choose not to do so.

Another example is Al Gore. Jack has posted about this before. Al Gores footprint is the size of Texas and believe Jack … TEXAS is big. Al Gore could live small but he chooses NOT too.

The whole point is our legislators DEMANDING things of the citizens that they aren’t willing to do themselves. That’s a tuff sell to the public. It’s a no brainer to Jack. If you want him to do something for the better good of our nation YOU better be willing to do that same something also before he’ll even consider it.

And lets not forget about Mooch and Obama taking their lavish vacations and then asking the public to tighten their belts for the sake of government.

When American families are cutting back on travel due to rising gas and food prices, President Obama should be considerate of the sacrifices millions of citizens are forced to make and adjust his travel plans accordingly. Statistics published by The Blaze note the Obama vacation to Hawaii last year cost approximately $4 million. Before the family trip to Hawaii, the Obama’s had already spent $10 million dollars of taxpayer money traveling to Vail, Colo.; Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.; and Spain.

Again Jack has no problem with people taking lavish vacations. But again … another example of Do as I Say … Not as I Do.

Is this leading from behind as Obama said he did in Libya? Well if you lead from behind all you see is an ASS!

this is leading from behind

November 6, 2012 do the right thing. Get rid of those that lead from behind.

Unless you’re cooking from behind:)

cooking from behind

Ok you knew Jack was not going to end this on doom and gloom! Plus this pic is good for 1′000’s of hits from Islamic countries and keeping with the theme of … More Do as I Say … Not as I Do.